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TMUX for Cecom Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

TMUX for Cecoms Setup

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


nice theme
git inform­ation --> faster prompt
show tmux key status


<ct­rl> + q
prefix key (default C-b)
<pr­­ef­i­x> :
intera­­­ctive dialog (prompt)
<pr­­ef­i­x> r
reload ~/.tmu­x.conf
<pr­­ef­i­x> t
big clock
<ct­rl> + l
clears screen
<pr­efi­x> <ct­rl> + c|v
copy/paste to/from windows clipboard
<pr­­ef­i­x> ?
list key bindings

Copy Mode

<pr­­ef­i­x> <en­ter>
enter copy mode
<en­ter> | ctrl + c
leave copy mode and copy selection
leave copy mode and do not copy selection
move cursor
w | b
move cursor forwar­d/b­ackward one word
g | G
move cursor top/bottom line
start selection
clear selection
<pr­­ef­i­x> p
paste last buffer
<pr­­ef­i­x> P
choose paste buffer
:save-­buffer buf.txt
write laste buffer to file buf.txt
search forward
search backward
n | N
next/p­revious keyword occurance


<pr­­ef­i­x> d
detach session
<pr­­ef­i­x> $
rename session
<pr­­ef­i­x> w
session and window preview
$ tmux ls
list sessions
$ tmux new -s dev
start new session with name "­dev­"
:new -s dev
start new session with name "­dev­"
$ tmux a -t dev
reattach to session "­dev­"
$ tmux kill-s­­­e­ssion -t dev
kill "­dev­"
$ tmux kill-s­­­erver
kill server and all sessions


<pr­­ef­i­x> c
new window
<pr­­ef­i­x> ,
rename window
<pr­­ef­i­x> &
close current window
<pr­­ef­i­x> a
toggle last window
<pr­­ef­i­x> <ct­rl> + |
previous / next window
<pr­­ef­i­x> [0-9]
move to window number [0-9]
<pr­­ef­i­x> f
find window


<pr­­ef­i­x> -
splits the current pane vertically
<pr­­ef­i­x> |
splits the current pane horizo­­ntally
<pr­­ef­i­x> x
close current pane
switch to pane with direction
<pr­­ef­i­x> z
toggle zoom pane
<pr­­ef­i­x> <sp­ace­bar>
toggle through layouts
<pr­­ef­i­x> !
convert pane to window
<pr­­ef­i­x> s
Toggle sync-panes (cmd to all panes)