GCP Logging
Following are the logs generally available for GCP Activity Logs: Record of all activity within a user's GCP project, including operations performed by users, systems, and services. System Logs: Record of system-level events and messages related to the health and performance of GCP services. Audit Logs: Record of administrative and security-related activity, including authentication and authorization events, resource management operations, and data access events. IAM commands
#To list account name gcloud auth list gcloud auth activate-service-account [ACCOUNT] gcloud auth print-identity-token --impersonate-service-account=SA@PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com #Check token info curl "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/tokeninfo?id_token=ID_TOKEN" #Revoke token gcloud auth revoke #Find iam roles for organisation gcloud iam roles list --organization=my-org-id #Find Specific role gcloud iam roles list --organization=my-org-id | grep [role-name] IAM commands (continue)#Search iam policies to specific user on project gcloud projects get-iam-policy [project-id] --flatten="bindings[].members" --filter="example-users@example.com" #Search iam policies to specific user across organization gcloud asset search-all-iam-policies --scope=organizations/[organization_id] --query='policy:example-user@example.com' #Search specific role on specific project gcloud asset search-all-iam-policies --scope=projects/[project-name] --query='policy:roles/owner' GCP Folders commands
#List folder for a specific organization gcloud alpha resource-manager folders list --organization=my-org-id #List folder within folder gcloud alpha resource-manager folders list --folder=my-folder-id |
gcloud SDK
GCP Projects commands
#List projects within organization gcloud projects list --filter 'parent.id=my-org-id AND parent.type=organization' #List project label information gcloud projects describe my-project #View iam policies which user is member of what gcloud projects get-iam-policy my-project GCP Organization commands
#List available organizations for tenant gcloud organizations list #Detail description gcloud organizations describe my-org_id #Show what policies are enable gcloud resource-manager org-policies list --organization=my-org-id --show-unset #Show all projects within an Organization (e.g Org_name) by looking at labels gcloud projects list --format=json | jq '.[].labels | select(.organisation =="my_org_name")' | grep projectname | sort -u | wc -l IAM commands (continue)#Find specific reviewer role permissions gcloud iam roles describe [role-name] --organization=my-org-id #Search for a specific permission for a given organization gcloud asset search-all-iam-policies --scope=organizations/[organization-id] --query='policy.role.permissions:resourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy' #Finding keys creation and expiration date/time of a specific iam service account gcloud iam service-accounts keys list --iam-account=[example@iam.gserviceaccount.com] GCP Bucket commands
#To list buckets for specific project gsutil ls -p my-project #Prints the object size, creation time stamp, and name of each matching object gsutil ls -l gs://bucket/.html gs://bucket/.txt #Print additional details gsutil ls -L gs://my-project/ #List objects within bucket (--recursive) gcloud storage objects list gs://my-project/ --limit=1 gcloud storage ls --recursive gs://my-project/ |
Basic Initialization commands
gcloud init #To verify existing config gcloud config list OR gcloud info #To set Project gcloud config set project [project-name] #To remove project gcloud config unset project [project-name] Compute commands
#To list compute images for particular project gcloud compute images list --project=[project-id] #To list compute instances for particular project gcloud compute instances list --project=[project-id] #Detail description about the instance gcloud compute instances describe my-instance --project=my-project #View in different formatting gcloud compute instances describe my-instance --project=my-project --format=flattened Disk and Snapshots commands
#List disks for a specific project gcloud compute disks list --project=my-project #Read metadata info for a specific disk gcloud compute disks describe my-disk-name --zone=country-southeast1-a --project=my-project #List snapshots for a project gcloud compute snapshots list --project=my-project #Count of snapshots within specific projects gcloud compute snapshots list --project=my-project --format='value(NAME)' | wc -l Disk and Snapshots commands (continue)#Create a snapshot of a persistent disk in zone us-central1-a gcloud compute disks snapshot test --zone=us-central1-a --snapshot-names=snapshot-test --description="Example snapshot" #Create an image from a snapshot gcloud compute images create my-image --source-snapshot=source-snapshot #Export a VMDK file my-image from a project to a Storage bucket gcloud compute images export --image=my-image --destination-uri=gs://my-bucket/my-image.vmdk --export-format=vmdk --project=my-project |
Incident Investigation commands
#List logs available for project gcloud logging logs list --project=my-project #Logs with matching insertId gcloud logging read insertId="my-InsertId" --project=my-project # Json format with jq filter on source ip gcloud logging read insertId="my-InsertId" --project=my-project --format=json | jq '.[] .protoPayload.requestMetadata.callerIp' Incident Investigation commands (continue)#By default search return result for past 1 day #Use freshness to go beyond 1 day --freshness=7d # Finding logs by Principal Email address gcloud logging read "protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail:'youremail@domain'" --project=my-project --format=json --limit=1 #Finding logs for specific time gcloud logging read 'timestamp>="2023-01-30T18:50:59Z" AND timestamp<="2023-01-31T00:00:00Z"' --project=my-project --format=json Incident Investigation commands (continue)#Timestamp Z shows that its in UTC format #To read logs from specific log source and filter activity matching on time gcloud logging read 'logName=projects/[my-project]/logs/cloudaudit.googleapis.com%2Factivity' --project=my-project --format=json | jq '.[] | select(.timestamp >= "2023-02-03T00:20:18.984704107Z")' | grep callerIp Incident Investigation commands (continue)#Timestamp Z shows that its in UTC format #To read logs from specific log source and filter activity matching on time gcloud logging read 'logName=projects/[my-project]/logs/cloudaudit.googleapis.com%2Factivity' --project=my-project --format=json | jq '.[] | select(.timestamp >= "2023-02-03T00:20:18.984704107Z")' | grep callerIp |
gcloud Incident Investigation Quick Reference Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by casimkhan
curated list of essential GCloud commands to assist security analysts, SOC (Security Operations Center) and DFIR (Digital Forensic and Incident Response) teams in their investigations and incident response efforts within the Google Cloud platform.
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.