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Physiology Lab - Genetics Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheat sheet for my Physiology lab on genetics.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


The chromo­somal or genomic location of a gene or any other genetic element is called a locus and altern­ative DNA sequences at a locus are called alleles.
Double stranded DNA molecule packaged by histone & scaffold proteins.
Diploid cells contain two complete sets of chromo­somes, one from each parent. Haploid cells contain half that - a single set of unpaired chromo­somes from one parent. (In humans only sex cells are haploid.)
All genes in an individual or in a species.
The complete set of genetic material of an organism.
Two different alleles.
Two identical alleles.
An indivi­dual's complete set of chromo­somes.
The set of observable charac­ter­istics or traits of an organism.
All proteins produced by a genome.

Genetic Concepts

Each individual inherits n # of chromo­somes from father & n # from mother.
Humans: 46 chromo­somes = 2n​ (23 paternal, 23 maternal).
A variation in DNA sequence at a locus is called an allele​.

Diploid organisms contain 2 alleles of each locus (gene)​.

Alleles can be identical (homoz­ygous), different (heter­ozy­gous), or if only one allele is present (hemiz­ygo­us)​.
Human genome has <25,000 genes​ but produces >10­0,000 different proteins.



Rh Factor Lab Procedure

1. Place one drop of anti-Rh serum on a clean glass slide.
2. Add an equal amount of fingertip blood and mix it with the antiserum (use an applicator stick or a toothp­ick).
3. Place the slide on a slide warmer (45°C to 50°C) and rock it back and forth.
4. Examine the slide for agglut­ina­tion. If no agglut­ination is observed after a 2-minute period, examine the slide under the low-power objective of the micros­cope. The presence of grains of agglut­inated red blood cells indicates Rh positive blood.

ABO Blood Typing Lab Procedure

1. Draw a line down the center of a clean glass slide with a marking pencil and label one side A and the other side B.
2. Place a drop of anti-A serum on the side marked A and a drop of anti-B serum on the side marked B.
3. Add a drop of blood to each antiserum and mix each with a separate applicator stick.
4. Tilt the slide back and forth and examine for agglut­ination over a 2-minute period. Do not heat the slide on the slide warmer.
5. Enter your ABO blood type in the laboratory report.