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Job Interview Examples by


Part of a successful job interview is being prepared, and that involved knowing what job interview questions are going to be thrown at you.

Don't worry, you're not trying to be caught out - the employer simply needs to make the right decision and can only do that by asking questions about your suitab­ility for the job.

Here are 5 job interview example questions you can prepare for right now, and how you can go about answering them suitably.

2. Why should we employ you?

This is a great chance to re-iterate your skills and strengths for the job in question. You can say what you hope to achieve in your new role and how that will specif­ically benefit the company.

3. Why do you want to work for our company?

The interv­iewer is trying to find out if you really care about the company or if you're simply "­plo­ughing throug­h" lots of interviews hoping one will stick. The answer you give should show that you know a little about the company. For example, you could say "I want to work for your company because you're well establ­ished for over 30 years, and that represents greater job security for me...". And don't forget to ask resume writing help online for help.

5. What did you enjoy most about last position?

This is trying to find out what makes you happy, and whether the new employer could provide that for you. If they feel they can't, then they will think twice about hiring you. The sorts of answers you could give are things like "I liked working in a team, I enjoyed taking on big projects and having more respon­sab­ili­ty".

Of course, these job interview samples of what could be asked in your interview are not extensive, as there are many other questions an employer mght ask to find as much detail about you as possible. The key is to remain positive and always try and give the employer another reason to hire you as each question goes by.

1. What are your weakne­sses?

This sample question is trying to find out how honest your are about yourself. Although this might seem like a negative question, the idea is that the weakness you state is not very relevent to the job's main roles. Whatever you do, do not say "I do not have any weakne­sse­s" as this is clearly a lie, and you know that!


4. Why do you want to leave your most recent job?

This is to find out what your plans are for the future, and to see if there was a particular reason why you left your job. If the employer thinks you left your last job because of an argument or because you "got bored", then they will be inclined to think this will likely happen again with you when you join their company. You should give positive reasons such as "I want to progress into a more challe­nging role, I want to learn new skills which were not available at my last job".


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