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F y T Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

definition recommendations 3 techniques for giving feedback

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Most educat­ional resear­chers consider the term “feedback” in
the context of instru­ction. Feedback has been widely perceived
as an important component of general systems operations and
may be viewed under a variety of settings. In the purely instru­ctional sense, feedback can be said
to describe any commun­ication or procedure given to inform
a learner of the accuracy of response, usually to an instru­ctional question
Mory, E. H. (2004). Feedback research revisited. Handbook of research on educat­ional commun­ica­tions and techno­logy, 2, 745-783.


For many years, behavi­ori­sts­-in­spired research has found that positive feedback is much more effective than negative feedback in changing pupil behavior. Positive feedback has two principal functions: to let students know that they have performed correctly and to increase motivation through praise.