Miscellaneous things I sometimes use but often forget
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Permissions and Ownership
change a file's permissions
change a file's owner / group chown owner[:group] file
change a file's group
show detailed permissions (ACL)
Commandline XSLT
latest java -jar saxon9he.jar -xsl:transform.xsl -s:source.xml -o:output.xml
6.5.5 java -jar saxon.jar -o output.xml source.xml transform.xslt
/ debug_print_backtrace
php phpDocumentor.phar -c phpdoc.apibrary.xml
commandline java -jar /saxon.jar -o /output.html ~/source.xml transform.xslt
Rhino JS
Add java class var HashMap = java.util.HashMap;
XML: from string var availPubs = new XML(prodXML.get('pubsAvailableToCustomer'));
- note: contains contents of root XML element, cannot access root element
XML: access element var pubs =
- note: if multiple matches, returns XMLList
XML: access attribute
Misc. Command Line
IP address
OS info
Host info
search file contents grep -i "pattern" file.txt
search file contents in current directory
search file contents recursively in current directory
search file contents recursively for unique entries and count grep -rioh "<xyz>.*</xyz>" . | sort | uniq -c
find a file find /path -name "file.xml"
find a directory find /path -type d -name "whatever"
find command source
find and replace perl -i.bak -pe 's/find/replace/g'
Viewing Files
First N lines
Last N lines
Last lines + live output of new lines
Range of lines in file
hosts file C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
apache error log /var/log/httpd/error_log
(or apache2
Drush - DB Backup & Restore
drush cc all
drush wd-delete all
drush sql-dump --result-file=~/drupaldb/backup.sql
`drush sql-connect` < ~/drupaldb/backup.sql
add category [[Category:Platform]]
link to image [[Media:picture.png|screenshot]]
display image [[Image:picture.png|screenshot]]
dictionary list
category tree <categorytree mode=pages>Interface</categorytree>
syntax highlighting <syntaxhighlight lang="php"> // code here </syntaxhighlight>
MediaWiki Table
! style="text-align:left;" | Item
! Amount
! Cost
| Orange
| 10
| 7.00
| Bread
| 4
| 3.00