This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
WHOIS Protocol |
Africa | |
Asia Pacific, India, China and Australia | |
US and Canada | |
Mexico and Latin America | |
Europe, Greenland, Russiana nd the Middle East |
Provides client/server access to information about Internet domains and IPv4 and IPv6 netblocks using TCP/43. Described by RFC3912. Above are the regional registrars. Will automatically choose a server but can manually select using -h flag.
whois Client Output
Provides name(s) and phone number(s), physical address and DNS servers, which can be interrogated. |
Global hierarchical database of domain names that uses UDP/53 for payloads <= 512 bytes and TCP/53 for payloads > 512 bytes (zone transfers). DNS zone transfers download the entire DNS zone. AXFR is a full transfer and IXFR is an incremental transfer. |
Reverse DNS Scan
Perform a whois lookup for IP addresses owned by the target organization, and then perform a reverse DNS (PTR) lookup for every IP.
DNS Brute Force Scan
Supply a dictionary of potential DNS names |
Read each entry |
Attempt to resolve $ |
DNSRecon comes with a number of dictionaries. This technique is useful for virtual host discovery.
DNS Reconnaissance Tools
nslookup |
Universally available but deprecated |
dig |
Fully featured DNS client |
Nmap DNS NSE Scripts |
Replicates functionality of dig with dns-zone-transfer. |
DNSRecon |
Includes wordlists for DNS brute force, advanced features include DNSSEC and mDNS support. |
Metasploit |
DNS functionality found in information-gathering auxiliary modules, including reverse brute force. |
dig Syntax and Options
-t any |
Look up all records |
-t mx |
Look up MX records only |
-t axfr |
Attempt a zone transfer |
-x <IP address> |
Simplified PTR (reverse) lookup |
<IP address> PTR |
PTR record search in old days |
dig @ version.bind chaos txt |
Query the nameserver's version of BIND |
Basic usage: $ dig @<nameserver> options
Will use the default DNS name server of the host if none is specified.
dns-zone-transfer |
DNS zone transfer |
dns-brute |
DNS brute force, useful for CNAME discovery |
-sL <IP range>| grep \) |
Reverse DNS scan |
To use an custom word list: nmap --script=<script name> <domain> (optional) --script-args=dns-brute.hostlist=<path to file.txt>
-h, --help |
Show this help mesasge and exit |
-d, --domain <domain> |
Domain to Target for enumeration |
-r, --range <IP range> |
IP Range for reverse lookup brute force |
-n, --name_server <name> |
Domain server to use |
-D, --dictionary <file> |
Dictionary file to use for brute force |
-t, --type <types> |
Specify the type of enumeration to perform |
-a |
Perform AXFR with standard enumeration |
-s |
Reverse Look-up for IPv4 ranges in SPF Records |
-g |
Perform Google enumeration |
-w |
Do deep whois analysis and reverse look-up |
-z |
Performs a DNSSEC Zone Walk |
Usage: <options>
auxiliary/gather/dns_bruteforce |
Performs a brute force dictionary DNS scan |
auxiliary/gather/dns_cache_scraper |
Queries DNS cache for previously resolved names |
auxiliary/gather/dns_info |
Gathers general DNS information |
auxiliary/gather/dns_reverse_lookup |
Performs a reverse DNS (PTR) scan of a netblock, replicates DNSRecon's reverse brute force |
auxiliary/gather/dns_srv_enum |
Enumerates SRV (Server) records |