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IGCSE chemistry Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

igcse chem cie, whole syllabus

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

The partic­ulate nature of matter

1) The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas.

● solids- particles have a regular arrang­ement and are close together, least energy – particles are just vibrating

● liquids- particles have a random arrang­ement and are close together, particles have more energy than those in a solid, but less than those in a gas

● gases- particles have a random arrang­ement and are spread apart, particles have the most energy (thus motion is more random and frequent)

2) changes of state
= a physical change

- Evapor­ation = happens at the surface, molecules have enough energy to
evaporate – i.e. go from liquid to gas
-Boiling = happens throughout the liquid, liquid to gas
-Freezing = liquid to solid
-Melting = solid to liquid
-Conde­nsation = gas to liquid
-Subli­mation = solid to gas

● Melting and freezing take place at the melting point
● Boiling and condensing take place at the boiling point

3) Kinetic theory can help to explain melting, boiling, freezing and conden­sing…

-amount of energy needed to change state (from s to l, from l to g) depends on the strength of the forces between the particles of the substance.
-nature of the particles involved depends on the type of bonding and the structure of the substance.
-stronger the forces : higher the melting point and boiling point of the substance.
-more kinetic energy (from increased temper­atu­re)­-> more moveme­nt-> change of state from (s) to (l) to (g)

4) gases, pressure, temper­ature
-higher the pressure = the more motion of a gas’ particles
- higher the temper­ature = the more motion of a gas’ particles

5)Brownian motion
=particles in fluids move randomly
-this is because they move around and collide with each other
- evidence: random movement of pollen grains in water

=movement of particles from an area of high concen­tration to an area of low

-particles must be able to move(d­iff­usion does not occur in solids)
-a smell does not travel very fast, because the particles collide with particles of air, changing direction randomly when they collide, taking much longer to travel from place to place
-molar mass and diffusion: the smaller the molecular mass, the greater the average speed of the molecules (small mr= fast diffusion)

experi­mental techni­ques: apparatus

Approp­riate apparatus for measuring…
o Time: stopwa­tch­/clock
o Temper­ature: thermo­meter
o Mass: balance
o Volume: measuring cylinder, burette, pipette

experi­mental techni­ques: Chroma­tog­raphy

-Used to separate mixtures, give inform­ation to help identify substances
-stati­onary phase and a mobile phase
-Separ­ation depends on the distri­bution of substances between the
-to carry it out: place substances on line (in pencil) near bottom of paper, place in
solvent and observe how far the substances travel up the paper