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Economics - Globalisation and Business Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Year 8 Economics cheat sheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Global­isation Definition

The process of intern­ational integr­ation from the interc­hange of products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.
building a worldwide network of commun­ica­tion, transp­ort­ation, and trade.
The way countries and people of the world interact and integrate

History (Past) of Global­isation

Early example of global­isation is Silk Road when trade routes were connected across Asia, Europe and Africa.
The Industrial Revolution further progresses global­isa­tions in the 18th and 19th century.
Formation of intern­ational organi­sations e.g., United Nations, helped further increase global­isation

Multin­ational Corpor­ation - MNC

A multin­ational corpor­ation has business offices and operations in two or more countries.
It generates revenue outside of its home country
These companies are often managed from a central office headqu­artered in the home country.

Example of an MNC

The East India Company, establ­ished in 1600 was an early multin­ational corpor­ation.
McDonalds is a decent­ralised Multin­ational Corpor­ation - Each franchisee globally operates as an individual owner

Why become an MNC?

To increase profits and growth
Increase global customer base and increase market share
Global exposure
Companies can benefit form tax structures or laws in other countries

Key features of an MNC

Global business presence
Business conducted in various languages
More complex business models
Jobs created in foreign countries
Pays taxes in other countries

Market defini­tions

The area of economic activity in which buyers and sellers come together and the forces of supply and demand affect prices.
Bond market
The bond market offers opport­unities for companies and the government to secure money to finance a project or invest­ment.
Stock market
The stock market trades shares of ownership of public companies.

Market Price definition

At the market price, quantity demanded by consumers should equal the quantity supplied by producers

Market Price and Quantity

The market Price and market quantity are found where the demand and supply lines intersect on a supply and demand graph

Different sectors of the economy

Household sector
They provide their time and skills or labour (a resource) to Firms in exchange for income (wages)
Financial sector
They receive savings from households and firms
Government sector
They receive taxation revenue from households and firms in the form of income tax and company tax

Financial records

What financial imform­ation do businesses need to make decisions
The balance sheet provides valuable inform­ation about your business' liquidity, financial stability, and capital structure. Analysing your balance sheet will help you assess your business' ability to meet its short-term and long-term obliga­tions and evaluate its overall financial position.
How do businesses use financial inform­ation to make decisions.
The financial position of a business is crucial to all decisions that it makes. Using financial inform­ation, a business should be able to identify what options it can afford when making decisions. This financial data can be used to forecast how decisions might affect the business' cash flow.

Types of Global­isation

Economic Global­isation
How countries work and trade together as one big global economy, making intern­ational trade easier.
Political Global­isation
How instit­utions and countries can influence the whole world. the United Nations is an example of a globalised instit­ution.
Cultural Global­isation
How cultures across the world intersect and act in a similar way.
Digital Global­isation
How nations share data, inform­ation and knowledge of digital platforms.

Advantages and Disadv­antages of Global­isation

Opport­unities to do business with other countries
Struggle to keep up with compet­ition
Reduced costs in manufa­cturing and trade
Closure of local businesses because of global compet­itors
Increase in trade and employment
Loss of employment
Access to new techno­logies and products
Complex intern­ational trading laws
Exposure to new cultural experi­ences

Types of Multin­ational Corpor­ations

Decent­ralised Corpor­ation
Has an office in home country and other offices that operate indivi­dually globally.
Centra­lised Corpor­ation
Has a central headqu­arters in home country and offices that report to the head office

Supply and Demand - Demand Defintion

The amount of a good or service a consumer is willing and able to buy at different prices.

Supply and Demand defini­tions

Supply Schedule
A table that summarizes supply
Demand Schedule
A table that summarises demand
Income produces get for goods and services, less their business expenses

Supply - Producer

How much a good or service a producer is willing or able to sell at different

Demand Schedule

Summaries the quantity demanded of an item by price
Orders the quantity demanded on an item by price, lowest to highset
Helps with market research

Consumer - Demand vs Afford­ability

A consumer will buy less of a product when it becomes more expensive
A consumer must be willing and able to buy a product
A consumer must be able to afford a product
The demand in a product might go down, if a consumer can find a cheaper product

Circular flow model definition

Households and firms rely on one another as they exchange labour for income and goods and services for payments for those goods and services.

What is an income statement

An income statement is a financial statement that shows you the company's income and expend­itures. It also shows whether a company is making profit or loss for a given period. The income statement, along with balance sheet and cash flow statement, helps you understand the financial health of your business.

How do businesses use a income statement

An income statement helps business owners decide whether they can generate profit by increasing revenues, by decreasing costs, or both. It also shows the effect­iveness of the strategies that the business set at the beginning of a financial period.

Balance sheet

What is a balance sheet
The term balance sheet refers to a financial statement that reports a company's assets, liabil­ities, and shareh­older equity at a specific point in time. Balance sheets provide the basis for computing rates of return for investors and evaluating a company's capital structure.