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English - Term 2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Formal Language Features

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


For better text unders­tanding & clarity
Coherence Features
Format­ting: Headings, subhea­dings, paragraphs
Inference: Assumed knowledge
Consis­tency: Consistent lexical set/se­mantic field
Conven­tions Of Text Type: Different structure rules
Cohesion: Contri­butes to text unders­tan­dab­ility

Stylistic Features

Phonol­ogical Patterning
Allite­ration: Repetition of identical initial consonant sounds
Assonance: Repetition of identical vowel sounds
Conson­ance: Repetition of identical consonant sounds anywhere in the word
Onomat­opoeia: Words that imitate a sound
Rhythm: Contra­sting stress­ed/­uns­tressed syllables in regular intervals
Rhyme: Repetition of similar sounds in the final syllables
Syntactic Patterning
Listing: A list of things
Parall­elism: Repetition of the same gramma­tical format in one/more sentences
Antith­esis: Two opposite ideas put together in a sentence
Lexical Choice & Semantic Patterning
Simile: Comparison of two things using comparison words
Metaphor: Comparison of two things that aren't like each other, but has something in common
Person­ifi­cation: Object­/idea repres­ented as a person
Animation: Metaphor type that gives life/m­ovement to lifeless nouns
Lexical Ambiguity: When it's difficult to interpret without extra info
Pun: A joke that exploits the various possible meanings of a word
Oxymoron: A self-c­ont­rad­icting word/group of words
Irony: Expression of something that's opposite in its literal meaning


Logical idea flow for info clarity
Cohesion Features
Lexical Choice: Synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms
Inform­ation Flow: Clefting, end focus & front focus
Refere­ncing: Anaphoric & cataphoric refere­ncing
Deictics: 'Pointing' words under shared context
Repeti­tion: Lexical, phonol­ogical, syntactic & semantic patterning
Substi­tution: Replacing whole phrases with simple nouns
Conjun­ctions & Adverb­ials: Directly connects other ideas


Moving a phrase to another position within a sentence
For drawing focus to a specific part of a sentence
Pseudo­-Cleft (Wh- Cleft)
'It' + 'to be' verb variant
'Wh-' + ...
For focus on sentence's front
For focus on sentence's end


Active Voice
Passive Voice
Agentless Passive
Gives info directly
Improves logical connec­tions between sentences
Removes the subjec­t/agent ('who'­/'w­hat') in sentence
SVO format
Object + subject
Similar to passive voice, for avoiding blame

Formal Social Purposes

Maintain and challenge positive & negative face needs
Reinforce social distance & authority
Establish expertise
Promote social harmony
Negotiate social taboos
Build rapport
Clarify, manipulate or confuse


Replaces 'actions' (verbs) into 'things (nouns)
Used to remove agencies and blaming
Doesn't always need suffixes
Common Nomina­lis­ation Suffixes


Words constantly seen together in predic­table phrases
Aids with cohesion & coherence for faster processing


Front Focus
End Focus
Important phrasal element at front of sentence
Important phrasal element at back of sentence
Compar­es/­con­trasts what's already been stated
For suspense and drama

Marked Theme

Syntactic choice where subject isn't at start of sentence
3 Ways To Implement A Marked Theme
Passive voice
Beginning with a subord­inate clause
Beginning with an adverbial
Marked Theme Effects
Highli­ght­ed/­emp­hasised info in front
Reader's perception of rest of sentence is affected


Language that delibe­rately distor­ts/­rev­erses the truth
Often uses euphemisms
'Good' Double­speak
'Bad Double­speak
Makes things sound nicer
For politeness
For the public to accept atrocities