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Chemistry - Chapter 5: Galvanic Cells Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Chapter 5: Galvanic Cells

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Galvanic Cells

- Devices that sponta­neously convert chemical energy into electrical energy via redox reactions
- Galvanic Oxidation at the Anode is Negative
- REDuction occurs at the CATthode (which is positive)
- Discharges & is sponta­neous
⁻ve terminal anode
⁺ve terminal cathode
- 'S' shape formed on electr­och­emical series

Galvanic Cell Components

- Half cells
Purpose Of Salt Bridge
- Anode
- To keep each half cell neutral
- Cathode
- To complete the internal circuit
- Voltmeter with connecting wires
- Salt bridge
- Solutions
- Electrodes
- Electron movement


- H⁺ ions
- OH⁻ ions

Primary Vs Secondary Cells

Primary Cells
Secondary Cells
- Can't be recharged
- Can be recharged
- Products slowly move away from electrodes or are consumed by side reactions, preventing rechar­gab­ility

Electr­olytic Cells

- The 'reverse' of galvanic cells
- Non-sp­ont­aneous, recharges via an electrical current that is slightly higher in voltage than the cell
⁺ve terminal anode (still undergoes oxidation)
⁻ve terminal cathode (still undergoes reduction)
Electrical → chemical energy via electr­olysis
'Z' shape on electr­och­emical series

Battery Life Shortage Causes

- Detached products from electrode within cell
- Unwanted side reactions due to other formed chemicals
- Cell material (including electr­odes) impurities
- Corrosion
- Failure of internal components