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English Cheatsheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

English Cheatsheet for the Malt Sales team

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

General Words

(Job) Categories
Tableau de bord
Moteur de recherche
Search engine
Skills / Skill tags
Note et avis
Rating and review
Taux journalier indicatif
(Indic­ative) daily rate
Mission régie
Mission forfait
A distance
Sur place


Quels sont vos projets à venir ?
What are some of your upcoming projects?
Avez-vous des besoins réguliers ou est-ce une demande ponctu­elle?
Do you have regular needs or is this more of a one-off request?
Quel type de profil recher­che­z-vous réguli­èrement ?
What type of profiles are you in regular need of?
Avez vous l'habitude de sourcer des freelances ?
Do you usually search for your own freela­ncers?
Quel budget envisa­gez­-vous pour cette mission ?
What are your budget consid­era­tions for this mission?
Que pensez­-vous des retours des freelances qui vous ont été fait à ce stade ?
What do you think of the freela­ncers’ responses so far?
Vous pouvez utiliser les filtres à gauche pour préciser votre recherche
You can use the filters on the left-hand side to pinpoint your search
Vous pouvez le contacter grâce au bouton rose “Proposer un projet”
You can contact them through the pink “Submit a project” button
Vous pouvez faire signer un accord de confid­ent­ialité
You can have them sign an NDA
Vous pouvez faire signer un contrat de cession de droits
You can have them sign a transfer of rights agreement
Ceci évite le délit de marcha­ndage
This prevents any illegal sub-co­ntr­acting
Pour commencer la mission, il faut prépayer sur un compte séquestre. Les fonds seront bloqués sur ce dernier jusqu’à ce que vous validiez la fin de mission.
To begin the projec­t/m­ission, you can prepay the amount to an escrow account. The funds are immedi­ately frozen there until you confirm the mission’s end
Avez-vous pu avancer dans vos échanges avec les freelances ?
Were you able to move forward in your discus­sions with the freela­ncers?

Handling objections

I need to talk about it internally
Sure, I’d be happy to also speak to your collea­gues. Who would be the right people to be in touch with?
I will work directly with freela­ncers (without a 3rd party)
I’m sorry to hear that. How do you handle disputes in this case?
It’s too soon
No problem, take your time to do your research. When are you planning to launch project X?
5%? Too expensive / I’ll only be doing one search
You only pay for success. We help you gain time by finding available and interested profiles.

Malt Presen­tation

Malt is the leading, curated French freelancer market­place, connecting businesses with freela­ncers. . . .

. . . as well as the trusted third party that provides serenity to your work (through online quotes and contracts, profes­sional insurance, secure payments, a reputation system, legal verifi­cat­ions, and more. . .).

Over 70,000 freela­ncers and 30,000 companies are currently with us across France, and we have recently launched in Spain.

Our ambition is to disrupt the work market.