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Medicinal chemistry Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Overview of medicinal chemistry

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Medicinal chemistry

Drugs: A medicine or other substances which has a marked effect when taken into body.
Medicine: A drug or other prepar­ation is taken into body in order to treat or prevent disease
Drug Name: Adopted by company during develo­pment
Propri­etary Name: Registered & used by company exclus­ively
Systemic Name: By IUPAC rules
Research Code: Letter & no. For company to identify the particular compound
Generic Name: Recomm­ended intern­ational non propri­etary name by WHO when patent has expired
Classi­fic­ations of drug
Chemical Structure:
Common skeleton structure
May have same biological activity
Pharma­col­ogical effect:
Same biological outcome, different pathway
Limit drug use eg. :anti-­fungal
Target System:
Same biological outcome different pathwa­y(S­pecific chemical messen­gers)
Target Molecule:
Affects specific enzyme, neurot­ran­smitter or receptors
Same biological outcome, same pathways
Similar structure
Membrane Permea­bility coeffi­cient :
1. Depend on lipoph­ilicity & molecular charge
2. Large coeffi­cient = Good permea­bility ; Small coeffi­cient = Poor permea­bility- highly charged (+/-)
3. ~80% drug posses a charge, depend on pH of the medium & pKa of a FG


Bronst­ed-­Lowry Theory
HA + B ⇌ A- + HB+
Acid + Base ⇌ Conjugated Base + Conjugated acid
pKa = pH- Log( [Conju­gated base]/­[Weak acid])
pKa: pH at which 50% of substance is ionized

pKa (copy)

Bronst­ed-­Lowry Theory
HA + B ⇌ A- + HB+
Acid + Base ⇌ Conjugated Base + Conjugated acid
pKa = pH- Log( [Conju­gated base]/­[Weak acid])
pKa: pH at which 50% of substance is ionized