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OOP nomenclature Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Named collection of a state and the methods that operate on it.


Operable instan­tiation of a class. Several objects of the same class can exist at the same time with different state.

Member/ Field

Variables or objects that are part of the state of the object of a given class.

Method / Member function

A function associated to a class, it gets its object passed implic­itly. It can operate on the classes state without explicitly passing and can be overridden by subcla­sses.

Constr­uctor / Initia­lizer

Special method that gets called whenever a new object is created. It sets the initial state of the object.

Destructor / Finalizer

Special method that gets called when an object is destroyed. Takes care of properly freeing memory, closing streams, etc.