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ChemTerm42023 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Term 4 chemistry data test

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Types of Reactions

- When most metals combine with asmotheric oxygen to form metal oxided
FOMULAR: metal + oxygen gas --> metal oxide



Endo vs Exo

Endoth­ermic Reactions
Exothermic Reactions
Absorbes energy to break bonds
Releases energy when new bonds form
In the form of heat
In the form of heat
Surrou­nding temp goes down
Surrou­nding temp goes up

Reactions with Oxygen

Substance burns in oxygen producing light + heat
Most metals combine with oxygen gas in air -> metal oxided
Glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water
metal + oxygen gas -> metal oxide
Glucose + Oxyegn --> carbon dioxide + water