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Section 6 Using networks Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Advantages of stand alone enviro­nment

cheaper to set up as network cards and wiring are omitted
A network manage­r/a­dmi­nis­trator is not necessary to run the stand alone computers
Fewer problems with viruses
Not as hardware dependent as a network where failure in the file server or fault in the cable will affect the whole network

Web confer­encing

-Web confer­encing enables the real-time sharing of computer screens, individual applic­ations or web-based content among two or more computers or mobile devices.

-Web confer­encing platforms may be int­ern­et ­based and delivered via software as a service (SaaS) or may run within enterp­ris­e data centers in an on-pre­mises delivery model.

-Most web confer­encing platforms support voice and video confer­encing. Some platforms also support screen annota­tion, polling, speaker manage­ment, chat discus­sions, shared whiteb­oar­ds and much more. Platforms that support video confer­encing may also integrate with room-based video confer­encing systems.

-Web confer­encing allows users to conduct business meetings and seminars, lead presen­tat­ions, provide online education and offer direct customer support via remote keyboard mouse control. Control of the session can be passed among users, so any attendee can act as the main presenter.

-Most web confer­encing platforms are accessible via a web br­owser, but downlo­ading and installing a clie­nt is often required to take advantage of all features, such as voice and video confer­encing and content sharing.

The disadv­antages of mobile networks

There are costs involved in setting up the equipment and training required to make use of mobile devices
Mobile IT devices can expose valuable data to unauth­orised people if the proper precau­tions are not taken to ensure that the devices, and the data they can access, are kept safe.

the difference between the internet and the WWW

The internet is often defined as being a network of computer networks connected together by routers, and can be thought of as the cabling and connectors as well as the computer themse­lves.
The worldwide web is just one aspect of the internet, along with e-mail, file transfer and so on. It is a collection of hypertext documents, menus etc., often in html format. It is an inform­ation retrieval system that needs a web browser to access it.

Benefits on the internet

Inform­ation on almost every subject imaginable
Powerful search engines 
Ability to do research from your home versus research librar­ies. 
Inform­ation at various levels of study. Everything from scholarly articles to ones directed at children. 
Message boards where people can discuss ideas on any topic. Ability to get wide range of opinions. People can find others that have a similar interest in whatever they are interested in. 
The internet provides the ability of emails. Free mail service to anyone in the country
Platform for products like SKYPE, which allow for holding a video conference with anyone in the world who also has access. 
News, of all kinds is available almost instan­tan­eously. Commen­tary, on that news, from every concei­vable viewpoint is also available


An extranets is a means of extending an organi­sat­ion’s intranets for use by selected people outside the organi­sation
It is partic­ularly useful to companies who wish to enable customers, sales people or suppliers, for example, to use the facilities of their intranet.
In order to maintain security and confid­ent­iality of data, firewalls, VPNs and authen­tic­ation techniques are used, together with complex data encryption techni­ques.
Extranets have many uses. Customers and an externally based sales force can be provided with up-to-­the­-minute catalo­gues.
Training facilities and courses can be shared with other companies
Projects can be set up and operated with business partners
They are also used so that employees can work from home and have access to all the facilities that they would have from the intranet at work.

How Intranets Are Used

Like the In­ter­net­ it­self, intranets are used to share inform­ation. Secure intranets are now the fastes­t-g­rowing segment of the Internet because they are much less expensive to build and manage than privat­e n­etw­ork­s based on pro­pri­eta­ry ­pro­tocols.

Charac­ter­istics of CLIENT SERVER, P2P, VPN

Client server
Peer to peer (P2P)
Virtual private network (VPN)
Applic­ation is distri­buted but data is centra­lised (server
User can access data which is centrally control (server
Strong emphasis on bringing on user friendly familiar apps and interface

Stand alone enviro­nment

Each computer only have one OS.
Storage drives are needed to give copy of the OS to other computer.

Local area network (LAN)

Local Area Network: a set of links that connect together computers that are geogra­phi­cally close.

Charac­ter­istics of LAN:
-The workst­ations are usually microc­omp­uters.
-The commun­ication between workst­ations is usually along cables like wire cables, fibre optic cables, or via radio signals.

-A File Server is a dedicated computer that runs the software needed by the network and stores the files that users have created. It sets up control access to folders belonging to different users and depart­ments. A file server is usually set up to control ‘who can log on’ to the network system, and to control ‘who has access to which resour­ces’.

-A Proxy server might control which users have access to the internet and when.

-Terminals are individual workst­ations that give access to the network. Using a terminal give access to the network’s software and files.

-If a group of terminals share use of a printer then the system needs a Print Server. If two or more documents are sent to the printer at the same time the print server will put them into a queue. Users can then carry on with other work whilst waiting for the document to be printed. A Printer Server controls who can print to a variety of different printers available on the network.

Advantages and disadv­antages of extranets

The ability to exchange large volumes of data using electronic data interc­hange
Sharing product data or catalogs with business partners
Disadv­antages are expensive implem­ent­ation and mainte­nance if hosted internally and the potential for compro­mised sensitive or propri­etary inform­ation. Altern­ately, it may be hosted by an applic­ation service provider.
Sharing services such as online banking applic­ations among affiliated banks

Steps to set up video/ web confer­encing

-An organizer sends out e-­mai­l o­r text messag­e i­nvi­tations to join the Web conference on a certain day and certain time.

-The invitation includes a link to the conference and a password or access code to enter. If the invitation is accepted, a reminder is programmed into the attendee's calendar applic­ation.

-Once all the attendees log on to the conference or seminar, a single presenter controls the meeting. As presenter, you can share your desktop and other documents and applic­ations. You can also hand control over to the other attendees and let them present.

Video confer­encing

Video-­con­fer­encing is a system that allows people to have c­onv­ers­ati­ons­ an­d m­eet­ing­s with other people in dif­ferent locations, but wi­thout leaving their office.
A video-­con­ference involves people sitting in front of a came­ra and a micr­ophone, whilst watching other people of a scre­en and listening to them through loudsp­eakers.
Note: The camera is usually TV quality - must better than a standard webcam

The intern­et:­Usenet newsgroup (News services) 

Usenet: a worldwide bulletin board system that can be accessed through the Internet or online services. It contains newsgroups on many different topics.


Two or more computers connected together to enable sharing of computing power or storage facili­ties. Computers in a network can commun­icate with each other. A computer needs a network interface card to connect to a network.

drawbacks on the internet

There is a lot of wrong inform­ation on the internet. Anyone can post anything, and much of it is garbage.
There are predators that hang out on the internet waiting to get unsusp­ecting people in dangerous situat­ions. 
Some people are getting addicted to the internet and thus causing problems with their intera­ctions of friends and loved ones. 
Pornog­raphy that can get in the hands of young children too easily. 
Easy to waste a lot of time on the internet. You can start surfing, and then realize far more time has passed than you realized. Internet and television together of added to the more sedentary lifestyles of people which further exacer­bates the obesity problem
Internet has a lot of "­che­ate­r" sites. People can buy essays and pass them off as their own far more easily than they used to be able to do. 
There are a lot of unscru­pulous businesses that have sprung up on the internet to take advantage of people. 
Hackers can create viruses that can get into your personal computer and ruin valuable data. 
Hackers can use the internet for identity theft. 
It can be quite depressing to be on the internet and realize just how uneducated so many people have become in today's society.

Advantages of networking computers

Sharing of hardware peripheral devices such as laser printers, scanners, etc. amongst all the users
Software can be shared amongst different users
Data files can be shared amongst all the users without any need for duplic­ation.
Messages can be sent between users on the same site with LANs or worldwide with WANs
Central mainte­nance and support. Any software upgrades need only be added to the file server instead of updating many stand-­alone machines. Network software can be purchased which is often cheaper than buying an individual package for each machine.
Users may use any spare machine
Values in databases are always up to date.
Network admini­strator can monitor users’ activities when they are logged onto the network.


An intranet is a network based on TCP/IP protoc­ols (an internet) belonging to an organi­zation, usually a corpor­ation, accessible only by the organi­zat­ion's members, employees, or others with author­iza­tion. An intranet's Web sites look and act just like any other Web sites, but the fi­rew­all­ su­rro­unding an intranet fends off unauth­ori­zed­ ac­cess.

Wide area network (WAN)

Wide Area Networks: a set of links that connect together geogra­phi­cally remote computers.

-WANs span broad geogra­phical distances, ranging from several miles to across the world. Carriers such as BT typically determine transm­ission rates and interc­onn­ection between lines. The commun­ication links may consist of a variety of cable, satellite and microwave techno­logies. There are two options for commun­ication over a WAN:

-Dial-up networ­king. The user connects to the WAN using the standard telephone network (public lines). The dial-up line is only connected while in use.

-Dedicated or leased lines. The user’s computer is perman­ently connected to the WAN. Therefore, no call set up and call discon­nection is involved.

the use of networks in video and web confer­encing

Network components that are mainly use for video and web confer­encing are such as:
-Integ­rated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
-VPN, 802.11 a/b/g/n (wireless)
-Async­hronous Digital Subscriber Lines (ADSL)
-Synch­ronous Digital Subscriber Lines (SDSL)
-3G/4G mobile networks

Video confer­encing: hardware

Video camera
High-speed network / Intern­et ­con­nection

Mobile tech can use:

wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) - a type of wireless local area network technology
Bluetooth - connects mobile devices wirelessly
'third genera­tion' (3G), 'fourth genera­tion' (4G), global system for mobile commun­ica­tions (GSM) and general packet radio service (GPRS) data services - data networking services for mobile phones
dial-up services - data networking services using modems and telephone lines
virtual private networks - secure access to a private network

World wide web (WWW)

The World Wide Web is a special part of the Internet that allows people to view inform­ation stored on partic­ipating computers
It is an easy-t­o-use, graphical source of inform­ation that has opened the Internet to millions of people interested in finding out inform­ation
It consists of documents called pages that contain inform­ation on a particular topic, and links to other Web pages, which may be stored on other computers in different countries.

disadv­antages of networking computers

A fault with the server will prevent the whole network from working.
Network fault could lead to loss of resources.
User work dependent upon network.
System open to hackers.
Decisions tend to become centra­lised.
Could become ineffi­cient
Could degrade in perfor­mance.
Resources could be located too far from users.
A loss in the ability to transmit data for even a short time can cause havoc, with tasks having to be performed manually and can cause loss of data.
If a virus infected one computer, then it might spread to all other computers.
Security measures are needed to restrict access to the network especially in a WAN where computers are connected to the public telephone system.

The internet: Instant messaging (IM)

Instant messaging is the exchange of text messages between two or more people logged into a particular instant messaging (IM) services
It is an intera­ctive service, as people can reply immedi­ately to others logged into the same system
It requires a user name (often an e-mail address) and a password.
When someone logs on for the first time they have to make a list of people they want to contact – these indivi­duals need to agree to be contacts.
Then they select the individual they want to talk to and send a message.
If the contact happens to be online at the same time they can reply, leading to a conver­sation.
It is better than e-mail because messages are sent immedi­ately, whereas e-mail messages can be stored on a mail server for seconds or even minutes.
However, the screen display is very basic and does not contain all the options available with e-mail

Difference between intranets and extranets

An int­ran­et is a network where employees can create content, commun­icate, collab­orate, get stuff done, and develop the company culture.
An ext­ran­et is like an intranet, but also provides controlled access to authorized customers, vendors, partners, or others outside the company.

Mobile technology

Mobile technology is exactly what the name implies - technology that is portable

Examples of mobile IT devices include:

laptop, tablets and netbook computers
‘smart phones'
global positi­oning system (GPS) devices
wireless debit/­credit card payment terminals

the advantages of mobile networks

Mobile computing can improve the service you offer your customers.
Powerful solutions can link you directly into the office network while working off site.
The growth of cloud computing has also impacted positively on the use of mobile devices, supporting more flexible working practices by providing services over the internet.

The internet: Voice over ip (voip)

Wans are used with telephone call centres, partic­ularly virtual call centres.
A call server distri­butes a call to an available operator connected to the wan.
Voice over ip (VOIP) is employed to transfer calls from the server to the operator.
The software used in any type of call centre is called the computer telephony integr­ation (CTI) software.
It has features such as the operator being able to identify who is calling.
In addition, the server can identify the number being dialed by the caller and direct it towards the relevant operator together with any data held on the system about the caller, for example account details in the case of a bank’s call centre

Video confer­encing is popular in business bcs::

-No travel costs
-No time wasted­ tr­ave­lling to other cities / countries
-Can organise meetings at short notice

The internet

The internet is a special type of WAN.
It is a network of computer networks
It is worldwide and, unlike many other types of networks, is publicly accessible to anybody with an internet connection
The most common way of connecting is through a broadband modem or router, which connects to the public telephone line and via this an internet service provider (isp) is connected
All the computers on the internet can be classified as either clients or servers.
The servers are those that provide services, for example mail servers or webser­vers.
The client computer is able to access the worldwide web and ask for inform­ation, which the webserver provides

Hardware needed to connect to a Network

- Network interface card/
wireless network card when connected to a cable/
by being connected to a wireless antenna enables a computer to commun­icate/
send / receive messages in a network.
-File/print server


When an ISDN line is used, a modem is not required as the line is itself digital. Instead, a network termin­ation device and a terminal adapter are required. However, because most users are familiar with the term modem, the manufa­cturers of these devices often refer to them as digital modems. ISDN is offered by local telephone companies. There are different kinds of ISDN connection of varying bandwidth. The original version of ISDN employs baseband transm­ission. Another version, called B-ISDN, uses broadband transm­ission, and is able to support transm­ission rates of 1.5 Mbps. B-ISDN requires fibre optic cables and is not widely available.

Software needed to connect to a Network

Network operating system to enable commun­ication with other network users, sharing of files, software and hardware.
Network versions of applic­ation software installed at the server for easy mainte­nance and upgrade.


Small geogra­phical range
Large geogra­phical range
Low cost instal­lation
It interc­onnect multiple LAN
Run multiple devices to share a transm­ission medium
Data transm­ission error is higher than LAN
High speed transm­ission rates
Low bandwidth due to wider area to cover
Mainte­nance cost is low
Set up cost are high
Better commun­ication quality