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Business Analysis 03: Consider Perspectives Cheat Sheet by

A high-level overview of the most important technique(s) to know when considering perspectives. Source: Business Analysis Techniques - 99 Essential Tools for Success.

Stakeh­older identi­fic­ation

Stakeh­older wheel
Identifies the range of stakeh­older groups, and adds structure to the process of identi­fying them.
The wheel is used by looking system­ati­cally at each group and checking for the stakeh­olders that may exist there.
The groups in the wheel are: owners, managers, employees, regula­tors, suppliers, partners, customers, compet­itors

Stakeh­older wheel

Stakeh­older analysis (2)

RACI / RASCI chart
Respon­sible, Accoun­table, Suppor­tive, Consulted, Informed
Charts used to record and assess the stakeh­olders’ roles and respon­sib­ilities with regard to a business problem, a business process or a task.
Recording stakeh­olders and their respon­sib­ilities on RACI charts helps to provide a clear view of the people we are dealing with in a particular project, what we can expect them to deliver or make available, and how we need to commun­icate with them.
Adopt the following steps.
- Identify the areas of work to be carried out. Allocate each area of work to a row on the chart. It is useful to choose an active verb when naming a task.
- Identify the stakeh­olders who will be involved in the project or business process. Allocate each stakeh­older to a column, and annotate each column along the top of the chart.
- Consider each task in turn to decide where the RASCI elements reside.
- Review the comple­teness of the RASCI chart.

Stakeh­older analysis (1)

Customers, Actors, Transf­orm­ation, World view, Owners, Enviro­nment
Ensures that we understand stakeh­olders' ideas, priorities and wishes before we put forward recomm­end­ations, or, even worse, implement business changes.
Used at various stages and for many purposes during a project:
- as a means of unders­tanding a stakeh­older’s view of a business system, in order to develop a conceptual model that may be used to analyse the gap between current and desired systems;
- as a means of analysing the source of potential or actual conflict between stakeh­olders;
- as a means of consid­ering different priorities assigned by stakeh­olders to options, business needs or requir­ements.
- The key to this technique is the ‘W’, Weltan­sch­auung or world view.
- Unders­tanding a stakeh­older’s world view is a fundam­ental step in unders­tanding the perceived needs, priorities and values, and uncovering these helps to reveal hidden agendas.

RACI chart example



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