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Animal Diversity Part 2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Chap 33-34-Animal Diversity Part 2 Vertebrae, the series of bones that make up the vertebral column, or backbone.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


radial cleavage (embryonic stage)
triplo­blastic (3 germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm)
bilateral larvae – adults are Pentar­adial (lose bilateral symmetry)
Madrep­orite - opening for water vascular system

clade: Amniota

(1) Amniotic egg (w/ 4 extrae­mbr­yonic membranes)
Chorion- protect, help from placenta (in mammals), gas exchange
Allantois - disposal sac, help from umbilical cord, gas exchange
Yolk sac - nutrition (in reptiles), form blood vessels (in mammals)
Amnion- membrane closest to the embryo, forms fluid-­filled sac, shock absorber
(2) Imperm­eable skin
(3) Rib cage - ventilate lungs

Clade: Lepido­saurs

earliest reptiles
1. scales w/ keratin
2. shelled amniotic eggs laid on land
3. internal fertil­ization (inside female)
4. many ectoth­ermic; birds are endoth­ermic
2 pair appendages
snakes & lizards


large opening (snout)
crocod­iles, pteros­aurs, dinosaurs
Crocodilia - crocodile = narrow snout; alligator= broad, wide snout
Pterosaurs - wings of collagen
Dinosaurs - 2 lineages by hip structure:
- Ornith­ischian - "­bir­d-h­ipp­ed" ; herbiv­ores; did not evolve in to birds
- Sauris­chian - "­liz­ard­-hi­ppe­d"; retained ancestral hip; long-n­ecked ; theropods; evolved into birds


bilateral symmetry
coeloms and segmented bodies
Derived Charac­ter­istics of Chordates:
- dorsal, hollow nerve cord
- notochord from mesoderm; support
- pharyngeal slits - all chordate embryos; grooves become slits that open into pharynx
- post anal tail - movement; reduced in embryology


jaws , fins (maneu­ver­ing), gills (gas exchange)
enlarged brains, enhanced senses
genetic duplic­ation (hox genes)
lateral system (aquatic) - sensitive to vibration
Jaws- major adaptation ; modified skeletal rods

Ancestral Amniote

Skull = 2 hole either side
Skull = 1 hole either side(T­emporal Fenestra)

Bird Origin

evolved from theropods
Archae­opteryx- oldest bird
digit loss/f­usion = wing-joint flight
loss of teeth
wing claw lost
hollow bone= reduce weight
long tail w/ vertebrae
reduction in growth rate in juveniles


complex nervous systems & behaviors
backbone or Rudime­ntary Vertebrae - endosk­eleton
2 or more sets Hox genes (genetic comple­xity)
Pharyngeal Cleft/­Groove
Neural crest cells disperse thru embryo (teeth, skull, neurons)
Cyclos­tomata - circular mouth, no jaws

3 lineages of Gnatho­stomata

cartilage skeleton
calcium minera­liz­ation
suspension feeders; shark-­teeth
Cloaca - reprod­uctive tract
Shark & Rays
Osteic­hthyes (Actino­pte­rygii)
bony endosk­eleton and scales
swim bladder
lateral line system
Tetrapods (Sarcop­terygii)
4 limbs
head on necks that move indepe­ndently from body
pelvic bones
absence of gills
has clade: Amniota
water and terres­trial enviro­nments (damp habitats)
moist skin
eggs w/o shell
external fertil­ization
Actino­pte­rygii & Sarcop­ter­ygii:
- operculum (gill cover)