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LPDS Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by


This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Func­tions of Lipids

1. Storage form of energy­(high)
2. Lipid messenger
3. Structural components of Biomem­brane

Impo­rtance of Lipids

1. High energy value
2. Storab­le(­Unl­imited)
3. Supply organusm with EFAs & fat soluble vitamins
4. Essential for biomem­brane & nervous system

Simple Lipids

Long chains of fatty acids & alcohols, Mainly used for cosmetic tools, Found in nature on leaves & stems
Fatty acids & glycerol; oil at room tempre­ture... Either staurated or unstau­rated.. Found in organsims such as: Trigly­cer­ides, phosph­olipids & sterols