Lec 1
Abstraction Removing( or hiding) unnecessary complication/detail Good: Array.Sort(); Bad: nested for loops etc. |
Abstraction Levels Programming Languages(Assembly low) ← High Compiler OS Architecture Circuits Physics ← Low API- Defines operations (and efficiencies) |
API-Application Programming Interface High level specs of ops, e.g. Array, Add, Remove, Contains, IsEmpty, Graphics.Draw, etc. |
Levels within Programs API ← High Classes/Data Structs Functions/Methods Variables/Statements Types/Operators ← Low
Software Practices Stepps 1. Analysis – what do we need to do? 2. Design – how do we do it? 3. Implement it - Coding Yay! 4. Test, debug, improve 5. Go back to 1-4 as needed |
Why Comment/Document? Your code (in the RW™) will outlive you. Make your successor’s life easier Make your (future) life easier
XML Syntax <tag> info </tag> e.g., <summary> … </summary <param name=‘val’> … </param> |
When to Comment? ALL files must have a header comment! ALL methods must have a header comment All fields/properties should have a comment |
Why XML? Machine readable, parsable, intellisensable |
C# source files can have structured comments that produce API documentation for the types defined in those files. The C# compiler produces an XML file that contains structured data representing the comments and the API signatures. Other tools can process that XML output to create human-readable documentation in the form of web pages or PDF files, for example. |
Lec 2
Delegates A delegate is a way to provide a TYPE for a function return type, parameter list/types You can use delegate types to store functions in variables “call” those saved functions using the variable name |
Delegates are fully object-oriented, delegates encapsulate both an object instance and a method. Delegates allow methods to be passed as parameters. Delegates can be used to define callback methods. Delegates can be chained together; for example, multiple methods can be called on a single event. Methods don't have to match the delegate type exactly. i.e. Variance in Delegates. |
Delegate is the definition of the “Type” of function. Lookup is just a name I choose! |
Example public delegate int Lookup( string name ); |
Delegates as Params Delegates allow you to “pass” functions to other functions int doit(string x){ … } // ← Meets Delegate Requirements … Evaluate(“1+var”, doit) |
Lec 3
C# Similarities w/ Java Compiled to an intermediate form Run with a “runtime environment” Automatic memory management Syntax mostly the same (or one-to-one transition) |
C# Differences w/ Java C# functions are “first-class” (see delegates) Generics can use primitives (List<int> vs. <Integer>) |
C# Access Modifiers public, protected, and private are the same as in Java. Internal means any method in the compilation unit (e.g., project) can treat the variable as public, but “outside” users treat it as private. Why do we have these? Answer: Because programmers are human and programming is hard. These modifiers “say”: Only allow the person most familiar with the code to make changes to data; e.g., the library code itself has private variables (such as the stacks) and only the person writing that code “knows enough” to use them. The “outside world” user just uses the Evaluate method. |
Readonly declaration readonly int max_stack_depth = 5; “variable” can only be set in constructor (or in field declaration) |
Interfaces Same as java Contract for a method (somewhat like a delegate) |
Namespaces Keep common terms separate e.g., namespace Math { public Vector{...} } namespace Collections { public Vector { … } } Requires “using” statement using Math; |
Escaped Strings How do you put a “new line” into a string? Answer: “\n” The \ (back slash) is called the “Escape Character” Used to combine “regular characters”, i.e., ‘n’ and ‘\’ to form a special character Common escaped characters: /t, /n, /e Example: string filename = “c:\\documents\\files\\abc.txt”; Note: Unix uses slashes, so you don’t have to “double up”: (e.g., /home/germain) |
Verbatim Strings Use the @ symbol Escaped strings are ugly :( hard to read ) Remove some of the ugliness: string filename = “c:\\documents\\files\\abc.txt”; vs. BAD: string filename = “c:\documents\files\abc.txt”; GOOD: string filename = @“c:\documents\files\abc.txt”; Useful sometimes in regular expressions |
Interpolated Strings - $ Do This! (Almost always!) How do you put variable values into a string? Old, Bad way: string s = “Your score of ” + score + “ is a good one!”; New, Good way: string s = $“Your score of {score} is a good one!”; |
Solutions & Projects Solution → Spreadsheet Contains: Projects FormulaEvaluator (Library Application) FormulaEvaluatorTester (Console Application) Projects Contain: code files, etc. Contain References to other projects/libraries Tester must “reference” FormulaEvaluator |
Lambdas Shorthand notation for: Defining small anonymous functions Inline Useful for: Testing, “One offs”, Some GUI applications, etc. Syntax: ( [param1, param2, …] ) => { code }; ( [param1, param2, …]) => expression to return; |
Lec 4
Version Control Use Collaborative development Branching/Merging Code archeology/File history Differences Backup |
GIT Functions Committing: Save work as a “Version” with a “Message” Branching: Try something else out which may or may not come back into the main branch later via Merging. Push/Pull: Send changes from one place to another TAG: Like a “bookmark” to find a particular state of your code Code History: Compare one Commit to Another Diffs Split vs. Unified |
Extensions Extensions allow us to add “dot methods” to classes we don’t own, use this new functionality as if it is “built in” Example: name.CapitalizeFirstLetters( ); |
IEnumerable Guarantees that something is countable and can be iterated over Arrays, Lists, Trees, Dictionaries, etc ← all are IEnumerable Can convert the above to “base” types using: toList, toArray Allows support for: foreach loop Has a templated type Is an Interface: GetEnumerator Current (array → int current = 0; ) MoveNext (array → current++; ) Reset() (array → current = 0; ) |
Interface A specification guaranteeing that an implementing class will have certain functions Guarantee made by the compiler There is no guarantee the functions work, just that they are there. Aside: Useful also with Polymorphism: Movable x; // A Movable must have a .move() method Car c = new Car(); x = c; // public class Car : Movable x.move(); c.move() |
Enumerator Enumerator is an object that allows iterating over the object |
IEnumerable A high level type (interface) that allows us to apply actions to a list of objects Useful with foreach loop Useful when we don’t care (or know) the underlying data structure Makes our code more robust and general! |
Lec 5
Unit Tests Test the “smallest” pieces of the software system {[nl}}E.g., methods Simplifies tests, simplifies debugging “Easy” to find the failure point |
Self Contained Testsing Tests should not rely on “outside” state Test should: define data (e.g., build a Dependency Graph) Execute algorithm (e.g., remove/add dependencies) {[nl}}Verify (e.g., using asserts) |
Code Review Higher Quality Code Fewer Defects Easier to Maintain Developer Training Learn about other parts of codebase Learn about other techniques |
Lec 6
Immutable Strings are immutable, they cannot change. Thus once we write: string s = “jim”; That string object will _always_ contain “jim” Question: s = “jess” does not change the string, but instead creates a reference. |
Mutable Example: a stack is mutable (it can be changed), Stringbuilder class allows us to modify strings |
Methods that Modify(Mutate) an Object are called mutators The stack class is “Mutable” Can be modified after creation The string class is “Immutable” Cannot be modified after creation Q: How can you make any object Immutable (to a programmer using your object?) A: Make all fields/Properties/setters PRIVATE! (protected) |
Properties C# has a convenient notation for building getters/setters Can control public/private of get and set independently Often properties are “backed” by private member fields As always, member fields should default to private “private” properties can often just be private member variables Example: a private property could be used for lazy instantiation of an expensive field: e.g., private password ( get 🡪 if password==null, do expensive password get operation) |
Properties Properties are similar to named fields in the object Properties should be aspects of an object that can be understood independently of the rest of the representation Think, for example, of the current hour of the day (from a Date class where internal representation is seconds since a prior date) Public properties (which is usually the case) provide a “contract” with user of your code Has a convenient notation for building getters/setters{[nl}} Can control access to get and set (i.e., private) independently As always, don’t make every member variable public “private” properties can often just be private member variables |
Func v.s. Delegate Notation If you aren’t going to have (1) any useful/descriptive words, or (2) Or it is a “one off” then use “Func” notation delegate int MathOnTwoNumbers(int x1, intx2); int add(int a, int b) { … } AddTwoNumbers f1 = (a,b) => a+b; // lambda to fulfill Delegate Func<int,int,int> f2 = (a,b) => a+b; // lambda to fulfill Func AddTwoNumbers f3 = add; // regular function to fulfill Delegate Func<int,int,int> f4 = add; // regular function to fulfill Func |
Delgate v.s. Func Why Use Delegate? Named, Documented, Provides More Context Evaluate(string formula, VariableLookUpMethod lookup) Why Use Func? Shortcut, Types are “right there to see” Evaluate(string formula, Func<string,int> lookup) |
Lec 7
Global Variables Data that is accessible from “anywhere” in the program If a method modifies one, it is a “hidden side-effect” Software Practice - Almost always: Best Case: Data → Function → return New Data Nothing else changes! Okay Case: Data → Function → parameters “change” (see out/ref params) |
Memory Stack Methods (and their Variables) Heap Objects Methods go on the Stack Variables in Methods go on the Stack Objects go on the Heap Changing something about a “Shared” (Aliased) variables is “seen” by all other aliased variables |
Memory Diagram Every function should be labeled on the stack Every variable is kept on the call/activation stack References (to objects) have “arrows” to heap Value variables have values on stack Object methods should show “this” explicitly on the stack Every new object is kept on the heap |
Pass by Value & Ref By Value - a copy of the value is added to the stack frame of the called method By Reference - a “pointer” to the object is added to the stack frame of the called method |
In, Out, Ref Params In - makes Reference constant WARNING: does not make object constant Out - refers to calling methods variable Places object “in” calling methods variable Must be assigned a value Cannot use “what was there before” Ref - refers to calling method variable Can use what is there Does not have to assign a value Out and Ref the same except compiler enforces semantics |
Structs Structs are like VALUE types They go on the Stack Unless part of an object Let’s Draw a picture for struct Pt { int x; int y; } main() { Pt pt1 = new pt(); Pt pt2; |
Structs Constructors allowed, but not required new() → calls constructor Does not put object on heap Can have methods Getters/Setters/Properties Usually do not! Why do structs go on the stack? Efficiency! No allocation! No deallocation/Garbage Collection. |
Memory Efficency the closer the data is to the CPU the faster the memory (and the more costly, thus there is less of it) |
Lec 8
IEnumerable What is the “High Level English” meaning of an IEnumerable? Guarantees a “list” of “stuff” coming back. What are some classes that implement IEnumerable? List, HashTable, BST, Array, etc. IEnumerable iterable = new BST(); IEnumerable iterable = new List<string>( … ); // etc What does an IEnumerable “give you”? A way for OUTSIDE CODE to “walk” the data: foreach (var item in iterable) { Print(item); } |
IEnumerable uses an Enumerator Implemented by an Enumerator Class Enumerator has low level functionality Bool ← MoveNext // if there is another item, return true Current // return the current item |
Linq Adds “Database-like” syntax to C# (somewhat modeled on SQL database language). Can convert IEnumerable to Arrays or Lists Using System.Linq; public void doit( IEnumerable container ) { List list = container.ToList(); |
Yield Return C# has a way to Only partially execute a function Can later return and complete more of it later! This is called: Yield Return Yield Return SAVES the entire execution state of the method call (i.e., the call (activation) stack) for continued execution at a future point! |
Yield Return Explained When the line with yield return is encountered: The runtime saves the entire STATE of the method Local Variables Parameters When the method is called again, the runtime restores the state and continues From the last point of execution! |
Why we need Yield Return Example: Imagine a GUI with a button that populates a textbox with the next prime. static IEnumerator iterator = next_prime().GetEnumerator(); // actually need Enumerator void button_action() { iterator.MoveNext(); // hidden: computes next prime and saves state of method text_box.Text = iterator.Current; } |
REGEX [abc] ← Square Brackets: match any character in here a|b ← OR - Match an ‘a’ or ‘b’ character a ← Match zero or more (little) a’s d+ ← Match one or more (little) d’s \d+ ← Escape: Match one or more digits! \s ← Match whitespace a? ← Match zero or one little a’s (a) ← If we find this, put it in “group” 1 a$ ← a at end of string! |
Yield Return Use when you either CANNOT create entire list of results TOO COSTLY to create entire list of results Need to SPREAD computation over longer time Might not need all values! Question: Binary Search Tree with Nodes { Node left; Node right;} How would you build the iterator? Answer: yield return can use recursion! |
Yield Return BSTpseudocode IEnumerable traverse( Node current ) { if (current == null) return; yield return this.Value; traverse ( this.left ); traverse ( this.right ); } |
Func ⇔ Delegate shortcut public delegate string Normalize(string); // Definition Normalize function = s => s; // Usage with Lambda Func<string,string> function = s=> s; // Func notation Func is simply inline (shortcut) notation for delegates without a name. |
What does == do? == is REFERENCE equality Are X and Y the same object in memory. overloaded == Can mean anything you want it to mean, but… Usually means VALUE equivalence “jim” == “jim” .Equals Means value equivalence |
DRY -Don't Repeate Yourself Dry is a fundamental principles of good software development Don’t repeat Data! Violate sometimes for speed (can be a good reason) Don’t repeat Code! Violate sometimes because we are lazy (bad reason) Example: using extensions is a good dry practice |
Dry Code Move common code to helper method(s) Make Library for common code Use Extensions Library |
What is an Invariant? A condition that must always be true. For example: If A1 depends on B1 Then B1 must have A1 as a dependee |
How do we ensure the Invariant on this? public void ReplaceDependents(string s, IEnumerable<string> newDependents) { } Answer: this function should not touch Map 1 or Map 2 Answer 2: this function should only use addDependency and removeDependency |
MVC Model - Data (and some methods to compute on data) View - What the user sees Controller - Interactions between User and Model |
NameSpaces SpreadsheetUtilities Internal namespace to your project for your use/protection SS ← Added to project now External namespace your project “shows” to the world, similar to System, or Math, or Collections… |
Lec 9
Abstract Class Defines WHAT must be done (via methods) Defines Return and Parameter Type Signatures Defines generic (reusable) code Defines generic data (if applicable) A child class can only implement one Can have a constructor |
Interfaces Defines WHAT must be done (via methods) Defines Return and Parameter Type Signatures No Code No Data A class can implement many No constructor |
MVC Model - Working on this now Data→ Cells - Contents / Values Functionality → Dependencies (See requirements in Abstract class) View - GUI (not working on this now) Controller - actions available to user often initiated through the GUI Not working on this now |
Why Comment? Shows that you understand your code Allows partners and future developers to understand your code before reading it line by line Can be used PRIOR to coding to set specifications/reminders Can be “scraped” to provide external documentation |
<inheritdoc> Does just that. {[nl}}Inherits documentation from parent (class) Why is this DRY? DRY since we don't repeat ourselves/code |
How/When to Comment Header Comment vs. Inline Header - High-level overview of desired functionality Don’t “re-write” code in comments Question: What is “comment rot”? Inline For sections of a long function (alternatively, helper methods) For tricky code Use descriptive variable names to alleviate the need for some comments |
Self-Documenting Code Wrong - “Don’t Comment your Code!” Right Comment for Why Provide links to algorithms, examples, docs Rename complicated expressions with understandable names |
DRY Do not repeat yourself Do not repeat code Use helper methods Do not repeat data* Transform requests/inputs into a single standard form Question: when “can” we repeat data Answer: in a very local location (e.g., a single class file) where invariants are set (e.g., input into the dependents always updates dependees) and only if we get a strong efficiency boost that (in your expert opinion) is worth the SE hit. |
Yield Return Used for Enumerations (IEnumerable) Operationally: Saves Code/Method Call Stack Used for: “infinite” or “costly” enumerations |
Lec 10
GSP- Good Software Practices Good use of Versioning Multiple Commits. Good Commit Messages Tags at “Releases” Good use of Testing Extensive Unit Tests Well named/useful tests. Documentation READMEs Located in Solution Folder (and all Project Folders) Hour tracking Software Practice Section Header Comments Who, what, verification Method and Field Documentation |
Diagrams Intrinsically encode: Basic functionality of each piece How pieces fit together to form the whole Overall design philosophy |
UML -Unified Modeling Language Unified Modeling Language “Syntax” for drawing diagrams Programming Language agnostic Not all fields/methods need to be shown Only those required for an understanding |
UML Visibility Modifiers - private + public # protected underline static |
Connectivity Arrow indicates that one class is aware of another Direction indicates whom is aware of whom |
Aggregation Something is composed of independent entities When the “container” goes away, the entities do not (“weak” ownership) e.g. A Course containing Students, but the students don’t “go away” when the course is cancelled. |
Composition Entities within are not whole on their own (“strong” ownership) e.g. A Student containing a Transcript, and the transcript “goes away” when the student leaves the University |
Diagrams UML: Formal Persistent documentation “Suggests” more information Whiteboard: Less Formal Might be erased Likely to “miss” information This information is likely to be somewhere else (API file) |
Incremental Testing Test incrementally! The longer you go without testing, the bigger your “haystack” becomes Catch design flaws early Problems will become apparent before bolting it all together Keep the “haystack” small! Testing is a lot like debugging |
Complex Systems Butterfly effect Even for a tiny change in an obscure region of the code Run the test suite! |
Regression Testing Regression refers to “going backward” (regressing) When new code is added the number of bugs goes up, therefore the code “regresses” Try to minimize this Run existing (old) tests regularly As code changes, tests might start failing Note: Sometimes the Test needs to be updated Test suite continuously grows Never discard a valid test! Must start test suite on “day one” or it won’t get done Must keep tests up to date (prioritize them) Or it won’t get done Must run tests every day Or it won’t get done! |
Smoke Tests Subset of full suite should run in < 5 minutes if your entire suite runs quickly, use them all! Try to pick broad range of coverage Run them after every compile |
Code Coverage 100% coverage is often difficult Huge systems – countless paths Irregular interaction (e.g. GUIs) That being said: “Model” code is easier to cover Eliminate “dead” code You have access to the “white box” |
Gray Box Tests Combine Black Box and White Box First, design tests of the specification (black) Then, design tests for code coverage (white) Keep them both in a test suite |
Debug Assertations Assertations in regular code: Debug.Assert(some condition); Condition should always be true – fails otherwise Sprinkle these throughout your code where invariants should hold Get removed in release builds – important for performance! Use them if your code assumes preconditions Good use of assertions can save countless hours of debugging Fail Fast! |
Variable/Object Review An “empty” (class) variable is a placeholder for an object An “empty” (value type) variable is a value For example: int x; Student s; |
Explicit Nullables Syntax ? - The Question Mark is used to denote that a variable is allowed to contain nulls:
How to use Explicit Nullables If there is a case where you may need a variable or parameter to contain nulls, write it like so: public Student? function(Student? s) // s may contain null { Student? temp = s; // temp may contain null … return temp; } |
How to use Non-Nullables Non nullables REPLACE the old syntax: public Student function(Student s) // s must contain an object { Student temp = s; // temp must contain an object … return temp; // temp cannot contain null (compiler enforced) } |
Nullables Summary: Class c; Good software practice: do not allow variable to contain null values OLD way - code does not enforce this (in fact it implies c contains null) NEW way - code/compiler enforces Therefore Class? c = null; // allows null Class c = new(); // does not allow null Enforced by compiler for a given Project! |
Lec 11
Testing Coverage != Good Tests Necessary but Not Sufficient Tests should be small and targeted (Hence Unit Tests) A _deep_ understanding of the project goals is very important to understanding the code A full reading of all specifications (both in the starter code and written documentation) is necessary! Stress Tests show correct use of complexity/big O Harder to write Harder to debug |
Information Storage and Retrieval Saving and restoring information is fundamental to real programs Solutions: Files ← Old fashion (but still useful ;^) XML/JSON/ETC Databases ← Modern SQL/MySQL/Mongo/SQLite/Firebase/etc. |
Saving Files Need a “protocol” (i.e., what does a file structure mean?) XML and JSON Notations for saving information Machine readable Supported by Abstractions and Libraries |
Using Statement Forces “cleanup”! Operating System must close file Try renaming a file while Visual Studio is open with it Advice for CS 3505 C++ → Destructor All objects have an explicit action they take when they are no longer referenced/used Translates into: Try Finally (always done regardless of exception status) Can only be used on Disposable Objects Should always be used on Disposable Objects! For Files, the finally closes the file stream! |
XML-Attributes Attributes - inside of tag < >s Add extra information to tag Probably should be avoided (most of the time*) Examples: <teacher name=“Jim"> <param name=“length”> <list type=“number”> <record id=“57”> |
JSON vs. XML JSON newer; XML older; Both “do the job” Both machine readable/parsable Same abstractions JSON ← Many (? most ?) Web applications use this |
JSON JSON – Representation – Object is {} Key Name/Value: { “key” : “value” } Value can be a JSON object { “key” : { key1 : value, key2 : value } } JSON Arrays: { “key” : [ { key: value, … }, { … }, … ] } |
Reflection Computer language can inspect runtime objects Field Names Types Etc |
Serialization Uses Reflection to determine Run-Time structure of object Turns this structure into a machine readable format Can do this automagically |
XML Serialization You can either use the sample code (with small modifications) As many programmers before you have done Read documentation on XML serialization and use this technique |
Properties vs. Fields Serialization works on Properties instead of fields Field: int name; Property: int Name { get; set; } Warning Default serialization works on public Properties. If you want Private access, or to change the names, you must use some “meta-tags” |
Lec 12
Business Logic Where does the business logic error checking go? M, V, or C ? Answer: Model and Controller (mainly) but also in the View! ←Trick Question! Example: Model checks for cycles in graph Controller does input sanitization View only allows inputs in valid cells; View restricts input to only numbers (where appropriate) |
Spreadsheet ⇔ MVC Which of the following is a Model, a View, or a Controller? FormulaEvaluator - Model DependencyGraph - Model Formula - Model Spreadsheet - Model GUI - Controller and View |
GUI Real world programs (usually using GUIs) are driven by inputs Unpredictable (based on human input) Execution is non-deterministic You don’t know the order of the users actions… |
Design Pattern: Notifier ⇔ Listener Event: any occurrence that may require action by “someone” else Making sure the “right event” gets to the Right place is challenging! Listeners: “subscribe” to an event Notifier: “sends” the event Listeners take action upon “hearing” |
C# Event Handling Note: Directly supported by the language! Define a delegate for handling the event All handlers match this signature Declare an event (in the notifier) Register a handler (in the listener) Trigger the event (in the notifier) |
C# Events First, define a delegate for handling the event: delegate void CancellationEventHandler(); All handlers must match this signature! void return – No Parameters! Next, declare an event (in the notifier): class University { event CancellationEventHandler canceller; // Keyword Type Field Name |
Event Abstraction The event syntax provides: a list a foreach loop an assignment operator All “hidden” (abstracted) with simple/compact syntax! |
Lec 13
Good Software Practices All of the techniques and principles (e.g., DRY) that we discuss are designed to give developers “Best Practices” for creating code that: a. Contains fewer defects b. Is more maintainable Easier to understand Easier to modify Safer to modify (see (a) above) |
SOLID Code Single Responsibility Open-closed principle Liskov substitution principle Interface segregation principle Dependency Inversion |
(S)ingle Responsibility Each class (dare we say even method) should have a single responsibility Example: the spreadsheet model does not deal with: The GUI Dependency Graph (Other than by using the DependencyGraph library) |
(O)pen-Closed Principle Best practice is NOT to modify existing code. Why? Added functionality is added by “extending” Inheritance Subclassing in C# Extension ( void doit (this Type, params) { } ) Example: stack class is not re-written but helper methods, such as “IsOnTop”, are added |
(L)iskov Substitution Principle Variables in a program of a give (Parent) type should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of the code. Example: The need for an Abstract Spreadsheet can be fulfilled with any students Spreadsheet implementation |
(I)nterface Segregation Principle Many small interface specifications are better than one large one “Child” classes can implement multiple interfaces as necessary Not a good example from Spreadsheet Example: IDisposable Only one method – Dispose |
(D)ependency Inversion Principle Classes should depend upon Abstraction not Concreteness. Where possible, variables/fields should be Interfaces or Abstract Classes rather than a concreted class. Example: Spreadsheet GUI should have an Abstract Spreadsheet member variable, not a Spreadsheet. This allows flexibility in expanding the project in the future class GUI { private Spreadsheet Spreadsheet; // WRONG private AbstractSpreadsheet Spreadsheet; // CORRECT |
How do you"start" becoming a better software engineer? Q: How do we get all of this “stuff” into our program. Suggestion: Concentrate on the S (single responsibility) Remember the O (open/closed) when using other code Try to remember to define (and use) Interfaces Upon modifying (adding features to) the code, refactor to increase SOLIDness As you grow more skilled, consider SOLID from the start |
Lec 14
Software Practice and Parallel Does Parallel make code easier to understand? Does Parallel make code have fewer defects? NO! It might inspire you to better document, but it is intrinsically more complicated than single thread execution So why do we do it? Answer: efficiency gains out weight complexity We must be even more diligent in our naming, documentation, testing, etc., when writing parallel code |
Moore's Law •Gordon Moore, 1975: Transistor density will double every 2 years What does this mean? • It does not mean: processors get 2x faster every 2 years |
Dennard Scaling Robert Dennard, 1974: As transistors shrink, power-density remains constant •What does this mean?
Moores + Dennard •What does this NOT mean? • That computers automatically get faster •What does this mean? • In part, it means we’re getting lots of cores •We have to figure out how to use those cores! |
Parallel Computing •We told the algorithm how to divide the work •And more importantly, how to combine the results •Writing code without thinking about parallelism will not (usually) produce a parallel solution |
Thread •Thread: a single sequential subprocess • Almost like its own program •Multi-threading is the ability of a computer to execute multiple threads concurrently |
Non-Blocking •thread.Start() is a non-blocking statement • It returns right away • Even though the other thread is still running •thread.Join() is blocking • Calling thread waits until thread finishes • What defines when thread is finished? • When the work function returns |
Timing •You can not make any assumptions about how long some computing operation will take •With concurrency, there is no guarantee about the order in which events occur |
Concurrent •Concurrent • Multiple tasks running • Thread can be interrupted, preempted at any time •Achieved by either: • OS rapidly switching threads/processes • Two threads/processes executing simultaneously •Concurrency via Context Switching |
Parallel •Parallel (simultaneous) • Actually at the same time (same cycle) • Parallelism is concurrency • Usually results in performance gains •Concurrency is not (necessarily) parallelism |
Multi-Threading •Multithreading does not (necessarily) mean parallel • But it does mean concurrent •The issues that arise with multithreaded programming are due to concurrency, not parallelism |
SMT •Simultaneous multithreading •The ability of a core to execute multiple threads simultaneously •Intel calls it “hyperthreading” • (a little more to it than this) |
C# Form •How does a C# Form control program flow? static void Main() { ... Application.Run(new Form1()); } public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } |
Message Loop •A Form is an “application message loop” •System creates a new thread to run the loop •Thread essentially runs this code: while(m = NextMessage()) { HandleMessage(m); } •Messages are placed in to the thread’s “queue” by the OS •When the mouse is moved •When the mouse is clicked •When a key is pressed •When a window is resized •etc… •Most of the time, handling the message is just invoking event handlers |
Handeling Messages while(m = NextMessage()) { HandleMessage(m); } •If handling the message is expensive, then other messages get stalled •GUI becomes unresponsive |
Lec 15
Modals(Pop-Ups) async void doit() { //async bool DisplayAlert( … ) overwrite = await DisplayAlert( "Warning", // Title "Spreadsheet changed, do you want to continue?", // Message "Yes", // True choice "No" ); // False Choice |
Partials // file: YourCode.cs class MainPage XML → MauiCode.cs { partial class MainPage … } |
Good Software Practices lead to Better Architecture 🡪 FDMM MVC, Client Server, Event Driven Use of “tried and tested” libraries SOLID → FDMM Smaller “units” (multiple single responsibility functions) Documentation 🡪 FDMM Versioning 🡪 FDMM Testing 🡪 FDMM Design Patterns → FDMM FDMM – Fewer Defects, More Maintainable |
Open/Closed Example Modifying the code in _working_ software can lead to defects New software needs more functionality. Avenues of “Openness” Extend Inherit Open for extension/Closed for modification |
Code Alignment Makes code: Easier to Read Easier to spot “one offs” or “copy paste” mistakes float thousands = 1000; float millions = 1000000; float billions = 100000000; Even Better: Use number underscores |
Threads vs. Tasks You may read about/hear about “Tasks” Both allow processes to run in parallel. Task is a higher level abstraction with additional functionality: Can return a result Can be cancelled Can use Async and Await keywords* Can use the “Thread Pool” For our current purposes, there is little difference. |
Shared Data is Problematic Parallelism When possible do work on separate data When NOT use locking We’ll talk more about this later Slows down the process |
Key Methods Constructor: worker1 = new Thread(() => function()); Start – actually begin the work worker1.Start() Join – wait for that work to be done worker1.Join() |
Parallel Vocab Thread A separate unit of execution (assigned a method/function) Race Condition Two (or more) threads have access to same data at the same time Lock Protects a critical region of code (which almost always should contain a shared resource, e.g., a common variable/data structure) Deadlock Two+ threads are waiting for each other in order to continue |
Deadlock Example Note: You won’t get Deadlock in Spreadsheet GUI Need at least two locks Only shared resource might be GUI widgets (e.g., buttons) Should “turn these off” when doing a long computation Protected by Backgroundworker Semantics and/or Invoke |
Characteristics of GSP Defects (bugs) Reduction Testing, Architecture, SOLID Maintainability Understandable/Readable Testing 🡪 Regression resistant |
Lec 16
Software Practice - Problem Solving(Coding) Problem: I want to choose where to save a file (spreadsheet) in my MAUI application Solution: Software Practice in practice Step 1: Google - choose good keywords Step 2: Stackoverflow - verify it “looks legit” Step 3: Nuget and Troubleshoot
Networks We will cover the introductory concepts about program to program communication over a network For a deeper understanding, take CS 4480 - Networking |
Two way Communication Address and recipient Address and sender |
Identification InformationReal World (i.e., Apartment) Address (# street state zip), Mailbox/Apartment (#) Computer URL: e.g., www.cs.utah.edu (human readable) Really IP Address: e.g., (machine readable) Port: e.g., 80 |
Architecture: Client ⬄ Server Client wants to do some “work”/“play” Server controls functionality Client usually shows the GUI Server usually manages the Model/Data |
DNS -Domain Name System How do you know “where” Jess lives? Need an Address? Could ask operator 🡪 “Where is the Jess' House?” I suppose you could ask Google… How do you know “where” cs.utah.edu lives? DNS 🡪 Domain Name System Provides “IP Address” Need a computer address: Where is: cs.utah.edu Aside: how do you know where DNS lives? Google DNS: Configure your network settings to use the IP addresses and as your DNS servers. If you decide to try Google Public DNS, your client programs will perform all DNS lookups using Google Public DNS. |
IP Version 6 and local nets: Too many computers… Note IPv4 vs. IPv6 (number of addresses) Think license plates in Utah vs. California Local network: Most of your home routers |
Ports -“MAIL BOXES” ASSOCIATED WITH SPECIFIC PROGRAMS Once at the "building", distribute to the recipient |
Client ⬄ Server Communications Needs: The address of the server machine Initial port to talk to A unique port for future communication The Protocol(s)! |
Can you have multiple Clients ⬄ with a single Server? see stackoverflow? |
Initial Port vs. Continuing Port For Query/Response programs (e.g., a web server): the server will use a specific low port that is “known” so anyone can make an initial connection i.e., 80 Ongoing connections will be moved to a different (high) port number So that new clients can talk to server at the same time |
Ports -1 “Mailbox Numbers” for the computer Unique to for each program If you try to “open” a port that is already in use you will get an error Note: this could happen if you try to run/debug two versions of the same program at the same time Numbers Range: 0 - 64k taken over -> used so much they have become defaults… |
Ports -2 Who decides number? Some programs have official ports Other programs have “taken” over ports Some ports screened/blocked by firewalls! Especially low ports under 1000 |
Sockets -OPENING CONNECTIONS BETWEEN CLIENTS AND SERVER Socket 🡪 Unique Channel between Sender and Receiver Client asks the Server for connection. A Socket is defined! |
Socket An identifier representing a particular point to point communication connection between two pieces of software My IP ADDRESS Their IP ADDRESS My Port Number Their Port Number Combined into a single unique communication channel |
Network Protocols Agreed order and format of data for communication What protocols do we have in this classroom? Hand raise 🡪 Professor Calls Upon 🡪 Acknowledged person answers Professor says Answer Clicker Question 🡪 Students input data |
XML Commenting Protocols How do we define comments about parameters? <param name=”abc”> info </param> |
IP -Internet Protocol Responsible for sending packets of information from host to host Hand-wave Hand-wave Hand-wave (or Abstraction/Separation of concerns) The internet and C#’s usage of it just works! |
TCP -Transmission Control Protocol Runs on top of IP (Internet Protocol) One to One Reliable Communication Data will arrive Verified Ordering Verified Uncorrupted Does not verify when data arrives or how much arrives at a given time! C# libraries do all the work for you Take the Networking course! CS 4480 |
UDP -User Datagram Protocol Alternative to TCP No Handshaking – no persistent connection No guarantee of Delivery Ordering Duplication Protection Why would we use this? Faster – less overhead |
Basic Network Communication Facts: Happen at the BYTE level!!!! Your program must Translate useful data into bytes and Translate bytes into useful data (e.g., strings, objects, etc) TCP does not guarantee When Information Goes Out When Information Arrives How much information is sent at any one time… TCP does guarantee order and validity |
Stacking Protocols Web browsing looks something like this HTTP TCP IP |
Need our own Protocol If you can’t guarantee when or how much data the program receives, how do you know when you have a full message: jim is great… ☺ …ly overrated ☹ Answer: define a protocol For example: the character ‘.’ will mean we are done: jim is great. Problems? Other Suggestions? How about writing the number of characters as the first byte? |
Communication Example Question: Have you written a Program to Communicate with another Program? Answer: The Spreadsheet communicates with “another program” (itself) via saving data |
TCP Handling in C# A TCPListener object is at the heart of the server. Listens on a specific port for incoming connection requests. TcpListener BeginAcceptSocket – Wait for request to arrive EndAcceptSocket - Obtains the Socket. |
Lec 17
GSP Overview GSPs refer to tools, techniques, processes, etc., that are used to ensure our code is: Easier to maintain Contains fewer defects Examples include: Versioning (git/github/github projects) Design Patterns System Architecture decisions (e.g., MVC) SOLID, DRY Diagramming/UML Testing Unit Testing, Integration Testing, open/closed-box testing, C# test syntax, e.g., TestClass()]…) |
Chat Client Examples Some Key Issues: What is a stringbuilder (as opposed to a string)? {nl}}Why do we use it? What is a byte[] (as opposed to a string)? Why do we use it? What are character encodings (UTF8)? Can we convert between these?
More Key Issues Watch for Race Conditions in your code What values can multiple threads access? E.g., Client array Removing items from a shared list Network Realities How much data comes at once? Protocols: “what is a message?” (localhost) |
Simple Chat Client/Server Key Methods Key Methods BeginAcceptSocket Wait for someone to talk to you BeginConnect (Ask to) Start talking to someone else BeginSend, EndSend Send data BeginReceive, EndReceive Receive data |
Simple Chat Client/Server Key Concepts Key Concepts “Event” callbacks Older vs. Newer Await Async |
Continued Key Issues How do you convert from an “object type” to an “actual” Type? Why is IAsyncResult.AsyncState not typed…. What is meant by an Event (Receive Event) loop?
New Version of Code Async - tells the system that the code may “pause” and “return” later Allows other threads to execute Await - tells the system to “wait” here (pause thread) until an “event” happens Let’s look at the tcpclient version of the code. |