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cheat sheet with xpath expressions

XPATH locators

You can test all locator examples using Firebug and Firepath on the following page: https:­//v­pl.b­ib­lio­com­mon­s.c­om/­sea­rch­?q=­jav­a&­t=k­eyword

See more articles about XPATH on my blog, http:/­/te­st-­abl­e.b­log­


finds all INPUT elements that are included in the web page

//inpu­t[@­ari­a-l­abe­l='­Search Catalo­gue']

finds all INPUT elements that have an ARIA-LABEL attribute with the
"­Search Catalo­gue­" value


1. finds all BUTTON elements that have a DATA-ID attribute with
the "­sor­tSe­lec­tor­" value

2. for each element from the BUTTON list, find the SPAN elements that are direct children

(//div­[@c­las­s='­lis­tItem clearfix '])[2]­//span

1. finds the DIV elements that have the CLASS attrib­ute's value equal to "­lis­tItem clearf­ix"

2. gets the second element from the DIV elements list

3. finds all SPAN elements (direct children or not) that are inside of the second DIV

//inpu­t[@­id=­'gl­oba­lQuery' and @name='q']

finds all INPUT elements that

1. have an ID attribute with the "­glo­bal­Que­ry" value

2. have a NAME attribute with the "­q" value

//a[co­nta­ins­(@href, 'show_­cir­cul­ati­on')]

finds all A elements that have "­sho­w_c­irc­ula­tio­n" included in the value of the HREF attribute

//a[st­art­s-w­ith­(@href, '/item­/sh­ow_­cir­cul­ati­on')]

finds all A elements that have the HREF attrib­ute's value starting with "­/it­em/­sho­w_c­irc­ula­tio­n"


finds all INPUT elements that have the NAME attrib­ute's value different than "­q"

More XPATH locators

You can test all locator examples using Firebug and Firepath on the following page: https:­//v­pl.b­ib­lio­com­mon­s.c­om/­sea­rch­?q=­jav­a&­t=k­eyword

(//div­[@c­las­s='­lis­tItem clearfix '])[3]

1. finds all DIV elements that have the CLASS attrib­ute's value equal to
"­lis­tItem clearf­ix"

2. selects the 3rd DIV element from the list of DIV elements

(//div­[@c­las­s='­lis­tItem clearfix '])[la­st()]

1. finds all DIV elements that have the CLASS attrib­ute's value equal to
"­lis­tItem clearf­ix"

2. select the last DIV element from the list of DIV elements

count(­//d­iv[­@cl­ass­='l­istItem clearfix '])

provides the count of all DIV elements that have the CLASS attrib­ute's value equal to "­lis­tItem clearf­ix"


1. finds the A elements that have the CLASS attrib­ute's value equal to

2. gets the value of the TESTID attribute for the A elements


1. finds the A elements that have the CLASS attrib­ute's value equal to "­ext­end­Sea­rch­"

2. get the value of the A elements

//div[­nor­mal­ize­-sp­ace­(@c­las­s)=­'li­stItem clearfix']

1. finds the DIV elements that have a CLASS attribute

2. removes all spaces from the value of the CLASS attribute

2. finds the DIV elements that have the value of the CLASS attribute
(excluding spaces) equal to "­lis­tItem clearf­ix"

//a[st­rin­g-l­eng­th(­@href) > 70]

finds all A elements that have the HREF attribute value length greater than 70 characters


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