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Radiographs - Techniques and Normal Anatomy Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Normal anatomy of Maxilla, normal anatomy of mandible, panoramic techniques and errors, normal anatomy and ghosts

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Maxilla Anatomy

Nasopa­latine or incisive foramen
interm­axi­llary suture
anterior nasal spine
nasal fossa (cavity)
greater palatine foramen
zygomatic process of maxilla
zygomatic bone
zygomatic arch
temporal bone
maxillary tuberosity
pterygoid hamulus
maxillary sinus
"­inv­erted y"
maxillary sinus septa
nasola­crimal duct
posterior superior alveolar canal (PSAC)
nutrient canals
lip line
nasolabial fold
torus palatinus
lamina dura
alveolar crest

Panoramic Techniques and Errors

panoramic radiograph
focal spot
x-rays travel in....
straight lines
x-rays diverge over...
2 rules of magnif­ication
negative beam angulation
center of rotation
image formation
2 focal spots
horizontal dimension focal spot
center of rotation
vertical dimension focal spot
anode (target) of x-ray tube
2 aspects of panoramic projection
horizontal aspect and vertical aspect
horizontal aspect
affected by beam rotation
vertical aspect
NOT affected by beam rotation
speed of image receptor
forsho­rtens the image
image layer (focal trough)
central plane of the image layer
types of image receptors (3)
moving the center of rotation
image layer form
magnif­ication varies more in the...
distortion based on position
how to minimize distortion and unshar­pness in a pan
patient positi­oning
common errors in pans
pt too far forward
pt too far back
pt rotate­d/t­urned
pt chin too low
pt chin too high
tongue not against palate
pt movement
pt slumped
pt tilted
advantages of pans
disadv­antages of pans

Mandible Anatomy

mental ridges
external oblique ridge
mylohyoid line
internal oblique ridge
genial tubercles
lingual foramen
mental foramen
inferior alveolar canal
mandibular foramen
inferior border of mandible
inferior cortical border
mental fossa
subman­dibular gland fossa
nutrient canals
alveolar bone crest
intera­lveolar septum

Normal Anatomy - Panoramic

nasal turbinates and meati
zygomatic bone and arch
maxillary sinuses
mandibular foramen
mandibular canal
hard palate
soft palate
maxillary torus
vertebral column
hyoid bone