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Nucleic Acid Therapeutics Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

One minute pitch

RNAsco­pe® and BaseScope™ are ideal solutions to detect therap­eutic or target gene expression and vector sequences in individual cells within the tissue morpho­logical context, addressing critical questions on the efficacy and safety behind nucleic acid based therap­eutics.

Therapy and RNAscope applic­ation

Nucleic Acid Therap­eutics includes 3 main categories of therapy:
Gene Therapy: insertion of geneti­cally altered genes into cells to replace defective genes. Use viral or non-viral vector.
RNAscope Technology is used to detect vector distri­bution and viability, and transgene expression in tissue. See public­ation P0187, P0643, P0693

RNA Therapy: Direct delivery of mRNA (altered or not) into cells to replace defective gene expres­sion.
RNAscope technology is used to detect mRNA expression in tissue. See public­ations P0504, P0783

RNAi Therapy: use of siRNA or miRNA to silence or turn off gene expres­sion. Note that a viral vector can be used to transduct the siRNA/­miRNA.
RNAscope is used to measure impact of the RNAi on targeted gene expression. See public­ations P0420, P0357, P0575, P0481


When applied to gene therapy, CRISPR­/Cas9 can be used in 2 ways:
ex vivo gene correction: modifi­cation of target ex vivo before reintr­odu­ction in the body (example: CAR-T cell). RNAscope technology is used to localize and monitor expression of the modified target in tissue.
in vivo gene correction: introd­uction of CRISPR­/Cas9 system in tissue­/body for modifi­cation in vivo. RNAscope technology could be used to localize and monitor guide RNA and expression of the modified target in tissue.

Gene Therapy: AAV transgene and detection

RNAscope provides the unique capacity to localize and measure AAV vector expression at the single cell level in tissue. Not feasible with IHC.

Question to ask and solution

How do you verify that the vector TARGETs the right cells and right gene?
RNAscope: Visualize in vivo delivery of therap­eutic gene expression and vector sequences (viral or non-viral) with tissue specif­icity, cell type specif­icity and subcel­lular locali­zation. Multiplex ISH or dual ISH-IHC: localize target (ISH) and identify cell type (ISH or IHC) if needed.
How do you verify the transgene gets ACTIVATED?
RNAscope: visualize and measure transgene expression over time with high sensit­ivity and specif­icity.
How do you measure the EFFICIENCY of the therapy?
RNAscope: Allows quanti­fic­ation of vector copy #, transgene expression level, and AAV+ cell number in both target and non-target tissues
Which animal models do you use or plan to use for safety testing?
RNAscope: an assay for any target and any species and any tissue - allows to easily measure expression of vector and target in different animal models and tissues.

Key tools/­Ref­erences

Recomm­anded products

Both the RNAscope & BaseScope Assays are relevant for this applic­ation. Nevert­heless, RNAscope will cover the majority of the needs.

Targeted Species, Tissues & Diseases

List of target

Gene Therapy: AAV vector and targeted gene (specific to the disease)
RNA Therapy: Targeted gene (specific to disease)
miRNA Therapy: Targeted gene (specific to disease)