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Business Backbone© Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Help you to Analyze you Sales funnel. If you want to automate your sales funnel you can use a CRM & Email automation system like ActiveCampaign: You can sign up for a free 14 day with my link in the bottom of the Cheat sheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

This is the template

Template text and calcul­ations


Number of Leads

Conversion rate

Conversion Rate
Conversion rate is the number of times you approach / Contact a lead that converts into a sale.
I.E: 100 Contacts / 10 sales = 10%

Number of customers

Number of Customers
Get the result and take this result and Multiply (X) it with the next.

Number of transa­ctions

Number of transa­ctions
Number of transa­ctions as a number

Average dollar sale

Average dollar sale
Average dollar sale

Total dollar turnover

Total dollar turnover
Total dollar turnover


What is your margin on the product in the funnel?


Total profit for you in the Business Backbone©

You can use this system to automate pipeline


Insert your normal numbers here

Here you insert your numbers and calcul­ations


insert number above

Conversion rate

Insert Conversion rate above

Number of customers

Insert number here
Calculate the conversion number

Number of customers

Insert number above

Number of transa­ctions (copy)

Insert number above

Average dollar sale (copy)

Insert number above

Margins (copy)

Insert number above

Total dollar turnover (copy)

Insert number above

Profit (copy)

Total profit for you in the Business Backbone©

Test your expone­ntial potential

Here you can test and compare your growth potentail here and see your end result.

Leads (copy)

insert number above

Conversion rate (copy)

Insert Conversion rate above

Number of customers (copy)

Insert number here
Calculate the conversion number

Number of customers (copy)

Insert number above

Number of transa­ctions (copy) (copy)

Insert number above

Average dollar sale (copy) (copy)

Insert number above

Total dollar turnover (copy) (copy)

Insert number above

Margins (copy) (copy)

Insert number above

Profit (copy) (copy)

Total profit for you in the Business Backbone©