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Hon World History Unit 1; Early Societies Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheat shepard for Freshman Honors World History, Unit 1

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Themes From Readings

The Early Complex Societies, 3500-500 BCE
Mesopo­tamia: "The Land Between the Rivers­"
Ancient Isreal
Agricu­ltural Revolution
Basic Geogra­phy­/Fe­rtile Crescent
Ethical Monotheism
Catal Huyuk
Sumer, city-s­tates
Societies, States Complex Societies
The Old Testament
Pastoral Nomadism
The Unific­ation of Egypt
Egyptian Polytheism
Chaldea ("New Babylo­n")
Hammur­abi's Code
The Epic of Gilgamesh


Geogra­phy­/En­vir­onm­ental factors (e.g., influences on the rise, develo­pment, weakening, and fall of society)

Religion and faith (e.g., how did religion shape society and even influence events)

Political develo­pment and structure (e.g., how power was acquired and held, succession of power, power roles and relati­ons­hips)

Economic systems (e.g., what was produced, traded, and/or sold, how was this done, who benefi­ted/who was harmed, role of government in the economy)

Social structures (e.g., who played what roles, nature of hierarchy)

Cultural develo­pment and diffusion (e.g., traditions and rituals, arts, philos­ophy, litera­ture; influences between and among societies)

Ancient Civs. Around Fertile Crescent


Pastoral Nomdadism
form of agricu­lture based on herding domest­icated animals. This was the major opposition to farm based agricu­lture
an area in southern Mesopo­tamia, where cities first appeared. Also credited for cuneifrom and other scientific breakt­hroughs like wheels and etc.
an early city that was like a small, indepe­ndent country with its own laws and govern­ment. Each would have it's own king and unique government and set of laws.
A society dominated by men. Very typical in all ancient societies.
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Mesopo­tamian narrative poem that was first told in Sumer. HEAVY influence on the bible and longest lasting famous tale.