Themes From Readings
The Early Complex Societies, 3500-500 BCE |
Mesopotamia: "The Land Between the Rivers" |
Ancient Isreal |
Agricultural Revolution |
Basic Geography/Fertile Crescent |
Ethical Monotheism |
Catal Huyuk |
Sumer, city-states |
Phoenicia |
Societies, States Complex Societies |
Patriarchy |
The Old Testament |
Pastoral Nomadism |
Akkad |
The Unification of Egypt |
Indo-Europeans |
Babylon |
Egyptian Polytheism |
Chaldea ("New Babylon") |
Hammurabi's Code |
Assyria |
The Epic of Gilgamesh |
Geography/Environmental factors (e.g., influences on the rise, development, weakening, and fall of society)
Religion and faith (e.g., how did religion shape society and even influence events)
Political development and structure (e.g., how power was acquired and held, succession of power, power roles and relationships)
Economic systems (e.g., what was produced, traded, and/or sold, how was this done, who benefited/who was harmed, role of government in the economy)
Social structures (e.g., who played what roles, nature of hierarchy)
Cultural development and diffusion (e.g., traditions and rituals, arts, philosophy, literature; influences between and among societies) |
Ancient Civs. Around Fertile Crescent
Pastoral Nomdadism form of agriculture based on herding domesticated animals. This was the major opposition to farm based agriculture
Sumer an area in southern Mesopotamia, where cities first appeared. Also credited for cuneifrom and other scientific breakthroughs like wheels and etc.
City-States an early city that was like a small, independent country with its own laws and government. Each would have it's own king and unique government and set of laws.
Patriachy A society dominated by men. Very typical in all ancient societies.
The Epic of Gilgamesh Mesopotamian narrative poem that was first told in Sumer. HEAVY influence on the bible and longest lasting famous tale.