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personal Tmux Keyboard Shortcuts (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Ctrl + a
tmux new [-s NAME] | Prefix + :new
create new session (called NAME)
tmux attach [-t NAME]
attach to session (called NAME)
tmux kill-s­ession [-t NAME]
Kill session (called NAME)
tmux kill-s­erver
kill server and with it all sessions, windows and panes
tmux ls | Prefix + s
List sessions
Prefix + d
Detach session
Prefix + $
Rename session
Prefix + :sourc­e-file ~/.tmu­x.conf
reload tmux config file
Prefix + ?
show bindings
Prefix + t
show huge clock

Windows of current Session

Prefix + w
Show windows
Prefix + c
Create new window
Prefix + &
Kill Window


Prefix + "­:ru­n" [Cmd]
Runs [Cmd]
Prefix + Space
next preset Layout
Prefix + Alt + [1-5]
Use Layout [1-5]
Prefix + ?
List bindings

Pane of current window

Prefix + h
Split window horizo­ntally
Prefix + v
Split window vertically
Prefix + x
kill current pane
Prefix + Ctrl +
move border up by 1
Prefix + Alt +
move border up by 5
Prefix + Ctrl +
move border down by 1
Prefix + Alt +
move border down by 5
Prefix + Ctrl +
move border left by 1
Prefix + Alt +
move border left by 5
Prefix + Ctrl +
move border right by 1
Prefix + Alt +
move border right by 5
Prefix + q
show pane numbers
Prefix + q + NUMBER
change to pane NUMBER
Prefix + z
toggle zoomed­/ma­ximized window