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string + string
combine together
number +number
math - addition
string + number

Data Types

a list of characters e.g. "­abc­123­$%^­", or empty string "­"
whole numbers, and negative numbers e.g. -5, 0, 2, 99
Floating Point
decimal numbers e.g. 1.5, 2.0, -2.99
True or False

True and False

True or anything is always True
False and anything is always False


equal to
no equal to
less than
less than or equal to
more than or equal to
Modulo, Find the remainder

Multip­lic­ation and Exponent

string * number
Combine that string
string* string
number * number
Multiply (Math)
string ** string
number ** number
Exponent (Math)
string ** number

Area of Circle

Python Intro Assignment #2
student number

#Ask the user for a radius of a circle
user_r­­adius = input(­­"What is a radius of a circle­­?")

#Convert the given radius to a floating point
radius = float(­­us­e­r­_r­­adius)

#Make a variable called pi
pi = float(­­3.1­415)

#Calculate the area of the circle using exponents
area = pi(ra­­diu­­s**2)

#Display the area of the circle to the user
print ("The area of the circle is", area)


If..... :then..... else.......
If the statement is true then do command under then else do command under else
While this is true loop the command under the condit­­ional
While True
loops forever
for each item in name of list
For every item in the list repeat the command under the loop that many times. (a string is a list too)


#what do you think will be the output of the following code: 

mastr = "hello123" # string is just a list of characters 
number = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
print (number)
shoppinglist = ['shoes','bags','pants','shirts])

#how to add an item at the end of the list 

shopping. append('ties')
print (shoppinglist)
for martin in shoppinglist
      print ('""' + martin + '""')

Add str

number1 = 1.0
number2 = 2.0

sum = str(number1) + str(number2)


Ans: 3.0


def bacon ():
    print ("hello it's bacon")

Ans : hello it's bacon

def myprint(text):
    print ("" + str(text) + "")

Ans : 1

def myprintnew(text,decoration) :
    print(decoration + str(text) + decoration)
myprintnew(1, "+++")
myprintnew(555, "+++")

Ans : +++1+++

def doubleIt (number) :
    return number * 2

print (doubleIt(5))

myvar = 12
myvar = doubleIt(myvar)
print (myvar)

Ans : 10, 24

def areaOfcircle(r):
    if r <= 0:
        return "error: invalid radius"
    pi = 3.1415
    area = pir*2
    return area

user_radius =input("Enter the radius: ")
r = float(user_radius)
print ('The area of the circle is', areaOfcircle(r))

mix the item

my str = "hello123"
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
print (numbers)

shoppinglist = ['shoes', 'bags', 'pants', 'shirts']
print (shoppinglist)

mixed = [1, 'hello', 2.5, True,False]
print (mixed)

Volume of prism

user_base = float(input("Enter the base of triangle: "))
user_height = float(input("Emter the hight of the triangle: "))
user_lenght = float(input("Enter the lenght of the triangle: "))

def volumeOfPrism (b,h,l):
    volume = 1/2  b  h * l
    return volume
print("The volume of the prism is",volumeOfPrism(user_base,user_height,user_lenght))

Function Largest Value

def max2(num1,num2):
    largestvalue = num1
    if num1 > num2:
        num1 = largestvalue
        largestvalue = num2
    return largestvalue

def max3 (num1,num2,num3):
    if num1>num2 and num1>num3:
        largestvalue = num1
    elif num2>num3 and num2>num1:
        largestvalue = num2
        largestvalue = num3 
    return largestvalue

print (max3(9,100,25))
print (max3(69,85,1))
print (max3(75,9,33))

def maxlist (list):
    largestvalue = list [0]
    for item in list:
       if item > largestvalue:
           largestvalue = item
    return largestvalue
mylist = [1,2,3,4,103,100,89,57]
print (maxlist(mylist))


hold a value and can be changed
a list of characters such as number, letter, symbol
Whole number / co­unting number
Gain inform­ation
Float number
The number in decimal
Gramma­­r/­S­t­ru­­cture of lauguage
Find the remainder
define block of code that can reuse
some thing you give to the function
some thing you give to the function
function call
Something that make the fuction work


Show inform­­­ation that you want on the screen
Change number to be number integer
Change number to be decimal number
Gain inform­­­ation from user
A list of number, letter and symbols
The length of the string
Comment, no effect

Naming Convention

Rule for giving name
- letter
- numbers
- underscore _

Valid name
- _myStr
- my3
- Hello_­­there

Invalid name
- 3my=”hi” -- cannot start with number
- first name=”hi”
- first-name
- first+name

Sort word per line

mystr = "­­He­l­l­o" letter_num = 0 while letter_num < len(my­­str): print (mystr­­[l­e­t­te­­r_num]) letter_num = letter_num + 1

Number to Hex

user_number = input("please enter a number: ")
number = int(user_number)
hex_string = ' '
while (number > 0):
    remaider = number % 16
    if remaider == 10:
        remaider = 'A'
    elif remaider == 11:
            remaider = 'B'
    elif remaider == 12:
            remaider = 'C'
    elif remaider == 13:
            remaider = 'D'
    elif remaider == 14:
            remaider = 'E'
    elif remaider == 15:
            remaider = 'F'
    hex_string = str(remaider) + str(hex_string)
    number = number // 16
print ("Hexadecimal string is 0x", hex_string)


import random
intlist = [1,2,3,4,5]
random_int = random.choice(intlist)
print (intlist,random_int)

fplist = [1.69,2.69,3.69,4.69,5.69]
random_fp = random.choice(fplist)
print (fplist,random_fp)

strlist = ['one','two','three','four','five']
random_str = random.choice(strlist)
print (strlist,random_str)

mylist = [1,1.69,'one']
random_item = random.choice(mylist)
print  (mylist,random_item)

myvar1 = 1
myvar2 = 2
myvar3 = 3
varlist = [myvar1,myvar2,myvar3]
random_var =random.choice(varlist)
print (varlist,random_var)


User_input = input("Type in an string: ")
reverse = ""
for letter in User_input:
    reverse = letter + reverse
print ("Reverse: ", reverse)
palindrome = reverse
if User_input == palindrome:
    print ("you input is palindrome")
    print ("you input is not palindrome")

Palindrome 2

while True: 
    user_input = input("Enter the word: ")
    if user_input == "quit" :
    print (len(user_input))
    reverse = ""
    for letter in user_input:
        reverse = letter + reverse
    palindrome = reverse
    if user_input == palindrome:
        print (user_input," is palindrome")
        print (user_input," is not palindrome")

Palindrome 3

def isPalindrome(word) :
    reverse = ""
    for letter in user_input:
        reverse = letter + reverse
    palindrome = reverse
    if palindrome:
        return True 
        return False
while True: 
    user_input = input("Enter the word: ")
    if user_input == "quit" :
    print (len(user_input))

    ispal = isPalindrome(user_input)
    if ispal == True:
        print (user_input,"is a palindrome")
        print (user_input,"is not a palindrome")

Spelling a string out in reverse code

word = input("Type in an word: ")
reverse = ""
for letter in word:
    reverse = letter + reverse
print ("Reverse: ", reverse)

Area of triangle

user_base = float(input("Enter the base of triangle: "))
user_height = float(input("Emter the hight of the triangle: "))

def areaOfTriangle (b,h):
    area = 1/2  b  h
    return area
print ("The area of the triangle",areaOfTriangle(user_base,user_height))


Print (2) – integer
Print (2.5) – floating point
Print (“Hello”) – string
Print (mystr) – variable
Print (mystr­,”H­i”,­2,1.0) -- commas

mystr = “Hi”
mystr ← name
“Hi” ← value can change

print (int(1.5)) → 1
print (int(“2”)) → 2
print (float(1)) → 1.0 anything to a float

Modulo­/Re­mainder %
print (4%2) → 0
print (30%7) → 2

Print Name

name = "tim GIRARD­"

print (name.u­pp­er()) → TIM GIRARD
print (name.l­ow­er()) → tim girard
print (name.c­ap­ita­lize()) → Tim girard
print (name.t­it­le()) → Tim Girard

Name strip

firstname = input("what is your first name? ")
lastname = input("what is your lastname? ")

fullname = firstname + " " + lastname

print("Your fullname is ") 
print (fullname)

letternumber = input("what is letter number? ")

mynumber = int(letternumber)-1

if (mynumber) > len(fullname):
    print ("invalid letter number, try again")
    print (fullname[mynumber])

    repeat = input("how many times you want to print the letter? ")

    myrepeat = int(repeat)

    if (myrepeat) > 99:
        print ("too many letter! ")

Reverse Word

while True:
          word = input(­"­Please enter a word")
          index = 0
          reverse = ' '

          while int(index) < len(word):
                   reverse = word[i­ndex] + (reverse)
                   index = int(index) + 1

                   print ("Re­verse: ", reverse)

Countdown Code

user_number = input("Please enter a number: ")

number = int(user_number)

countdown_string = ""

while number > 0:
    countdown_string = countdown_string + " " + str(number)
    number = number-1 

print (countdown_string)

This prints the true or false value using boolean

print (2<3)
print (2 != 2)

Convert to binary

user_n­umber = ' '

while user_n­umber != ' 0 ' :
         user_n­umber = input ("Enter a number to convert to binary­")
         number = int(us­er_­number)
         binary­_string = ' '

        while (number > 0):
                 remainder = number%2
                 binary­_string = str(re­mai­nder)+ binary­_string
                 number = number//2

print ("Binary string is", binary­_st­ring)

Print definition

def printdefinition(word) :
    if word == "Variable" : 
        print ("""
        A variable is something that has volume. Also it can change 
    elif word == "Function" :
        print ("""
        A function is define block of code that can reuse
    elif word == "Paramiter" :
        print ("""
        A parameter and argument are some thing you give to the function
    elif word == "Function call" :
        print ("""
        A function call is something that make the fuction work 
    elif word == "String" :
        print ("""
        A string is a lis of characters

        print ("Unkonw word")

user_input = input("Enter the word")

Guessing Game

Group Members: Mind and Gam

Class: 10-05
chance = 5
score = 0

mylist = ['coke','bacon', 'chicken', 'pocky', 'pepsi', 'pizza']

import random
random_item = random.choice(mylist)

while chance > 0:
    print ("-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-")
    print ("Guessing Game")
    print ("-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-")

    print ("Words:", mylist)

    user_guese = input("Guese the word: ")
    if user_guese == random_item:
        score = score+100
        print ("That's correct! Score:", score)
        random_item = random.choice(mylist)
        chance = chance-1
        if user_guese in mylist:
            print ("Sorry, wrong choice!")
            print ("Chances Remaining:", chance)
            print ("Sorry, that is not ever in the list")
            print ("Chances Remaining:", chance)

print ("Game Over! The word was", random_item)
print ("Final Score:", score)

For‐Loop with List:

forlist = [3, 4, 5, 2, 1]
for item in forlist:

While Loop with List

thelist = [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
index = 0 # start at the first item
while index < len(thelist):
 print (thelist[index]) #prints each item
index = index + 1


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