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Travis2Docker Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Travis2Docker Cheat Sheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Install Docker

$ sudo apt-get install docker
$ sudo apt-get install
With this two commands you can install all you need about Docker on you computer

Install Travis­2Docker

$ pip install git+

Run entrypoint without tests


Display coverage

# coverage report -m
# coverage report -m > coverage.out

Install a specific module

INCLUDE=module_name /

ngrok (en segundo plano)

$ ngrok http 8069 > /dev/null &
$ curl localh­ost­:40­40/­api­/tu­nnels 2>&1 | grep -Po 'http:­//[­a-z­0-9­]{8­}.n­gro­' | tail -1
You can run the second command in order to view current ngrok url address