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PTC - C4 (Explant Sterilization) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Brief summary of Chapter 4 (Explant Sterilization) of Plant and Tissue Culture Subject

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Prepar­ation of Stock Plants

-Prior good care of stock plants may lessen the amount of contam­ination that is present on explants.
-Transfer plants to a greenhouse to reduce endemic contam­inants
-Plants grown in the field are typically more “dirty” than those grown in a greenhouse or growth chamber, partic­ularly in humid areas like Malaysia.
-Sources of contam­ina­tion:
a) Overhead watering increases contam­ination of initial explants
b) Splashing soil on the plant during watering will increase initial contam­ina­tion.

Correct Way to Water a Plant

Ways to have “Cleaner” Stock Plants

1. Force outgrowth of axillary buds
-It is sometimes possible to harvest shoots and force buds from them in clean condit­ions.
-The forced shoots may then be free of contam­inants when surfac­e-s­ter­ilized in a normal manner.
2. Seeds may be sterilized and germinated in vitro to provide clean material.
3. Covering growing shoots for several days or weeks prior to harvesting tissue for culture may supply cleaner material.
4. Explants or material from which material will be cut can be washed in detergents and then placed under running water for 1 to 2 hours.
5. Remove surface contam­inants by rinsing with steril­izing solutions
6. Treatment of stock plants with fungicides and/or bacter­icides is sometimes helpful.


-pesti­cides that kill or prevent the growth of fungi and their spores
-used to control fungi that damage plants, including rusts, mildews and blights
-used to control mold and mildew in other settings

Bacter­icide or Bacter­iocide

-substance which kills bacteria
-it is disinf­ect­ants, antise­ptics, or antibi­otics

Steril­ization of Explants

-Plants growing in the external enviro­nment are invariably contam­inated with micro-­org­anisms and pests
-These contam­inants are mainly confined to the outer surfaces of the plant, although, some microbes and viruse­s can even grow within the root.
-Most of the surface microbes do not form tight associ­ations with the plant tissue.
-They are easily removed from the explant by gentle rinsing, and the remaining are killed by surface steril­iza­tion.
-Place the explant in a 70% ethyl alcohol (ethanol) solution prior to treatment with another disinf­ectant solution. 
-Condu­cting the steril­ization process under vacuum results in the removal of air bubbles and provides a more efficient steril­ization process.


1. Oxidants
2. Active halogens
3. Heavy metal poisoning
4. Powerful chemicals such as concen­trated sulphuric acid may be used on seeds.
-cut surfaces should be protected

Common Explant Steril­ization Agents

1. Sodium Hypoch­lorite
2. Ethanol or Isopro­panol
3. Calcium Hypoch­lorite
4. Mercuric Chloride
5. Hydrogen Peroxide

1. Sodium Hypoch­lorite

-most frequent choice for surface steril­ization
-readily available and can be diluted to proper concen­tra­tions
-5.25% sodium hypoch­lorite (laundry bleach) → 0.5 - 1.0% sodium hypoch­lorite (steri­lant)
-Plant material is usually immersed in this solution for 10 - 20 minutes.
-A balance between concen­tration and time must be determined empiri­cally for each type of explant, because of phytot­oxi­city.

2. Ethanol or Isopro­panol

-powerful steril­izing agent but also extremely phytotoxic
-plant material is typically exposed to it for only seconds or minutes
-more tender the tissue, the more it will be damaged by alcohol
-Generally 70% ethanol is used prior to treatment with other compounds.
-Tissues such as dormant buds, seeds, or unopened flower buds can be treated for longer periods of time since the tissue that will be explanted or that will develop is actually within the structure that is being surfac­e-s­ter­ilized.

3. Calcium Hypoch­lorite

-obtained as a powder and must be dissolved in water
-conce­ntr­ation that is generally used is 3.25 %
-solution must be filtered prior to use since not all of the compound dissolve into solution
-Calcium hypoch­lorite may be less injurious to plant tissues than sodium hypoch­lorite

4. Mercuric Chloride

-used only as a last resort
-conce­ntr­ation of 0.1-1.0% denatures proteins
-extremely toxic to both plants and humans and must be disposed of with care
-Since mercury is so phytot­oxic, it is critical that many rinses be used to remove all traces of the mineral from the plant material.

5. Hydrogen Peroxide

-conce­ntr­ation of 30% is used, which is 10 times stronger than that obtained from pharmacy
-useful for surfac­e-s­ter­ilizing material while in the field

Enhance Effect­iveness of Steril­ization

-Surfa­ctant/ wetting agent (e.g. Tween 20 or Triton-X) is frequently added to the sodium hypoch­lorite.
-Wetting agents makes the surface of plant wet and repel the air, thus making the treatment more effective.
-The solutions that the explants are in are often shaken or contin­uously stirred.


-After plant material is sterilized with one of the above compounds, it must be rinsed thoroughly with sterile water.
-Typically three to four separate rinses are done

Use of Antibi­otics and Fungicides in vitro

-The use of antibi­otics and fungicides in vitro is not very effective in elimin­ating microo­rga­nisms
-These compounds are often quite phytot­oxic.

If Steril­ization is a Problem

1. Seeds can be used instead
-Most seeds have hard outer coat that can withstand harsh and prolong steril­ization procedure
-Germinate the seed in vitro to obtain axenic seedlings providing sterile meristems, leaves, roots and stem nodes for culturing
2. Grow plant under controlled enviro­nment
-Enclosed enviro­nment to prevent accumu­lation of dust
-Treatment with fungicide and to lesser extent antibi­otics
-Clean organs can be collected later
*Axenic: state of a culture in which only a single species, variety, or strain of organism is present and entirely free of all other contam­inating organisms

Explant Steril­ization Process


-poisonous to plants