Le Présent (Indicatif)Regular -er verbs
Regular -dre verbs
Regular -ir verbs
-eler, -eter
-eler, -eter
Semi-regular -aindre/-eindre/-oindre verbs
rejoindre (to meet up) contraindre (to force) se plaindre (to complain) éteindre (to turn off / to switch off) dépeindre (to depict) feindre (to feign) geindre (to whimper) Semi-regular -oyer/-ayer/-uyer verbs
For verbs in -AYER, in spoken French an alternative version where the "y" is kept for all forms is frequently used: je paye, il essaye Semi-regular -ger verbs
ranger (to tidy up) changer (to change) voyager (to travel) corriger (to correct/mark) obliger (to force) nager (to swim) mélanger (to mix) bouger (to move) Semi-regular -cer verbs
Verbs that follow the pattern: lancer (to throw) relancer (to throw back) placer (to place) commencer (to begin) prononcer (to pronounce) menacer (to threaten) pincer (to pinch) Irregular -tir verbs
Verbs that follow the pattern: partir (to leave) sortir (to go out) ressortir (to go out again) sentir (to smell) se sentir (to feel) mentir (to lie) repartir (to leave again) Irregular -mir verbs
Verbs that follow the pattern: dormir (to sleep) s'endormir (to fall asleep) endormir (to put [someone] to sleep) se rendormir (to fall back to sleep) Irregular -uire verbs
produire (to produce) cuire (to bake/cook) traduire (to translate) construire (to construct/build) détruire (to destroy) séduire (to seduce) déduire (to deduct) Irregular -vir verbs
servir (to serve) se servir de (to use [something]) resservir (to serve up again / to give a second helping) se resservir (to get a second helping) desservir (to clear [the table] / to do a disservice / to service) |
Le Passé ComposéAvoir verbs
Irregular verbs
Être verbs
Verbes avec être comme auxiliaire
French Grammar Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by wisedi
Verb conjugations, different tenses
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.