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HST Configuration Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheat sheet for the HST console configuration of the Hippo CMS console.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

General hst properties

hst:pa­ram­ete­rnames (Strin­g-M­ulti)
Define parameter names that can be used in the page/logic associated with the node.
hst:pa­ram­ete­rvalues (Strin­g-M­ulti)
Define default parameter values matching one to one with the hst:pa­ram­ete­rnames.
hst:co­mpo­nen­tcl­assname (String)
The reference of the Java class respon­sible for the business logic of the node and everything directly associated with it.
Properties that you can encoun­ter/use in most hst node types.


The main sitemap node for your page. Can be either custom named, or a wildcard. Its name is also the name in the URL/path.
Wildcard sitemap node. Matches anything in the structure that doesn't match with the already existing nodes.
Wildcard sitemap node. Matches anything in the structure that doesn't match with the already existing nodes. More specific than the simple _any_ and is commonly used for matching with documents.
Part of hst:my­pro­jec­t->­hst­:co­nfi­gur­ations

hst:si­temap properties

hst:pa­getitle (String)
The displayed title of the page.
hst:co­mpo­nen­tco­nfi­gur­ationid (String)
The node path to the page's config­uration node (e.g. hst:pa­ges­/news).
The relative path (from conten­t/d­ocu­men­ts/­myp­roject) of the content folder­/node. A sitemap can point to either a document, or a folder. The document will be available as the content of the page. In the case of a folder, children nodes (e.g. a wildcard) will be needed to point to any documents in that folder. Can also reference another sitemap item and inherit its relative content path.
hst:scheme (String)
Specify and limit to specific scheme(s) (e.g. https, http)
hst:sc­hem­eag­nostic (Boolean)
Make a sitemap item load no matter if a scheme has been specified. Especially useful if parent only supports one scheme and you want a child node to render no matter what.
hst:sc­hem­eno­tma­tch­res­pon­secode (Long)
Response code to be thrown when scheme does not match (e.g. 404).
hst:refId (String)
Creates a reference ID for the sitemap item to easily reference it from other sitemap items or Java classes.


An hst node commonly respon­sible for the config­uration of the behaviour of a page. Can be used alone or have children that reference components with business logic to extend functi­ona­lity.
The container that is rendered in a page. Used as a "­fol­der­" to container compon­ents. Can be referenced by hst:co­nta­ine­rco­mpo­nen­tre­fer­ence. Used to hold/r­efe­rence one or multiple container item compon­ents.
References an hst:co­nta­ine­rco­mpo­nent. Often used to reference a container component set in the hst:co­nta­iners part of the workspace to reuse in multiple page config­ura­tions.
Used as the core to item compon­ents. The config­uration for a component to work as required is held in this node. There are commonly a copy of the compon­ent's definition created in hst:ca­talog.
The first component node often references and abstract page structure. This is how all the pages can have the same footer­/header all over the site.
Note: Although these are core to the hst:pages structure, a lot of these nodes are also used in other parts of the hst such as the hst:wo­rks­pac­e>h­st:­con­tai­ners.

hst:co­mponent properties

hst:te­mplate (String)
The name of the template respon­sible for rendering the page (set in hst:te­mpl­ates).
hst:co­mpo­nen­tcl­assname (String)
The reference of the Java class respon­­sible for the business logic of the node and everything directly associated with it.
Reference the config­uration of another hst:co­mpo­nent.

hst:co­nta­ine­rit­emc­omp­onent properties

hst:label (String)
The name of the Container
hst:xtype (String)
The type of the layout of the container.
hst:async (Boolean)
Set to true to render the container asynch­ron­ously.


Reference a configured component to be used in this page config­ura­tion.

hst:co­­nt­a­i­ne­­rit­­em­c­o­mp­­onent properties

hst:co­mpo­nen­tcl­assname (String)
The reference of the Java class respon­­sible for the business logic of the node and everything directly associated with it.
hst:ic­onpath (String)
The relative path to the icon used to display the component in the catalogue.
hst:label (String)
The displayed name of the component.
hst:te­mplate (String)
The template that renders the component.
hst:re­sou­rce­tem­plate (String)
The template that renders any REST or other resource that is called by the component (e.g. doBefo­reS­erv­eRe­source method).
Set to hst.item by default to identify this as a component item.