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Bio Topics! ahh Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Stem Cell differ­ent­iat­ion­/Ma­nip­ulation

stem cells
can give rise to progenitor cells
progenitor cells give rise to
can divide into another stem cell and progenitor cell (or 2 stem cells OR two progeintor cells)
this ability is how stem cells maintain their own population and generate differ­ent­iated cells
capable of differ­ent­iating into many different cell types
progenitor cells
can differ­entiate into one of several cell types depending on external factors
(iPS) induced Plurip­otent System cells
turns differ­ent­iated cells into undiff­ere­tiated cells
these undeif­fer­ent­iated cells are called
using retroviral vector introduces 4 genes into fully differ­ent­iated human (skin) cell (exper­ime­ntal)
appeared to generally function just likee an embryonic cell
but there are differ­ences in gene expression and other cellular functions
Topic 1 11/08

Stem Cell replic­ation