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IB Geography (Core 3) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

IB Geography Core Topic 3 - Global Resource Consumption and Security

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Key Terms

Key Terms
the land and water needed to provide resources for humanity
Ecological Footprint:
the hypoth­etical area of land required by a society, group or individual to fulfil all their resource needs and assimilate all their waste, measured in global hectares (gha)
the interr­ela­tio­nship, interd­epe­ndence and intera­ctions of food, energy and water
Food Security:
the "­ava­ila­bility and access to suffic­ient, safe and nutritious food to meet the dietary needs and food prefer­ences for an active and healthy life" (FAO)
Energy Security:
access to clean, reliable and affordable energy sources for cooking, heating, lighting, commun­ica­tions and productive uses
Water Security:
continuing access to safe drinking water and sanitation
Embedded water:
the way in which water is transf­erred from one country to another through its exports

Case Studies

Case Studies
Resource Security in Countries:
South Asia and the Himalayan Region - South Asia has just 3% of global land but 25% of the world popula­tion, thus water and food security are vital. South Asian countries are also home to 40% of the world's poor popula­tion, half of that population is food-e­nergy deficient and about 20% lack access to safe water. In the Himala­yans, there is seasonal water scarcity and diffic­ulties for importing food, although 53 million people live in the region
South Africa - studies have looked at the potential impact of climate change on maize and potato production in South Africa. 10% reduction in rainfall is likely to lead to a 4% reduction in yield, whereas increase in rain will increase in maize yields but decreases in potato yields. To overcome this, adaptions have taken place, the most favourable being sprinkler irrigation to water crops, as water is the main limiting factor
Resource Stewar­dship Strate­gies:
A Circular Economy - the Ellen MacArthur Foundation establ­ished in 2010. Focuses on: insight and analysis, business and govern­ment, education and training, commun­ica­tions. This foundation collab­orated with Google to develop circular business altern­atives. Another collab­oration was with the IB to develop systems thinking and the circular economy perspe­ctive in the curriculum to create awareness and take part in future develo­pments in the circular economy