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Linear Measurement Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

About Linear measurement and conversions summarizes all of that

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

SI/Metric system

KHDUDCM means: "King Henry Died Unexpe­ctedly Drinking Chocolate Milk" K:Kilo H:Hecto D:Deca U:units so meter,­gra­ms,­litres D:Deci C:Centi M:Milli
The Acronym KHDUDCM helps in converting from one metric unit to another
The SI stands for intern­ational system in other words its used globally to convert from one unit to another.
When converting from one unit to another multiply it by the powers of 10
Divide when going from left to right when converting from a unit to another
Multiply when going from right to left

Imperial Units conversion chart

bold There can be other conver­sions that are known like Oz Grams Liters Qaurts but the most thats common are the ones that are explained in the cheat sheetbold.

Connec­tions between Metric and Imperial units

1 mile= 5280 Feet
1 mile= 63360 inch
1 inch= 2.54 cm

Connec­tions between Metric and Imperial units

1 mile= 5280 Feet