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Modifications of Stems Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Types of Stems and Their Modifications

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Stems function as:
Supportive organs: Elevate photos­ynt­hetic leaves and reprod­uctive flowers.
Conductive organs: Transport water, minerals, and sugars via vascular tissues.
Features distin­gui­shing stems from roots and leaves:
Nodes, intern­odes, and axillary buds.
Shoot = Stem + Associated leaves

Modifi­cations of Stems

Stem modifi­cations adapt plants for:
Food storage.
Asexual reprod­uction.

A. Aerial Modifi­cations

1. Phyllo­clade
○ Flattened, green stem resembling leaves. ○ Bears scale leaves for photos­ynt­hesis. ○ Example: Opuntia.