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TBI everything you need to know ;0 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

behaviors, symptoms, outcome measures, rehab

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Family education
Contra­cture prophy­laxis
Serial casting
Streng­thening and endurance training
Symptom management – pain
Enviro­nmental modifi­cations – reducing sensory stimul­ation: noise, alarms, lighting, televi­sions; orienting to the time of day
Aromat­herapy and altern­ative modalities
Reduction of peripheral and lines
Avoid the use of restraints if possible
Self-care ADLs
Schedu­led­/Ti­med­-to­ileting program
Cognition and proble­m-s­olving (CO-OP Approach)
Rest and sleep – scheduled; address breathing and sleep distur­bances, e.g., OSA; reducing naps and caffeine intake
Home integr­ation
Community integr­ation
Social integr­ation
Return to work

ranchos levels

level 1
no response; total assistance
level 2
genera­lized response; total assistance
level 3
localized response; total assistance
level 4
confus­ed/­agi­tated; max assistance
level 5
confused; inappr­opriate non-ag­itated; max assistance
level 6
confused; approp­riate; moderate assistance
level 7
automatic, approp­riate, minimal assistance for daily living
level 8
purpos­eful, approp­riate, stand by assistance
level 9
purpos­eful, approp­riate, stand by assistance on request
level 10
purpos­eful, approp­riate, modified indepe­ndence

outcome measures

Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended (GOSE)
Disability Rating Scale
Functional Indepe­ndence Measure (FIM)
Rancho Los Amigos Scale
Candian Occupa­tional Perfor­mance Measure (COPM)
Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS)
Community Integr­ation Questi­onnaire (CIQ
Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique (CHART)

mild tbi symptoms

blurred or double vision
seeing stars or lights
balance problems
light or noise sensit­ivity
depres­sion, anxiety
sleeping more than usual
difficulty falling asleep
feeling slowed down
feeling in a fog or dazed
difficulty concen­trating
difficulty rememb­ering

GG scale

eye opening
to speech
to painful stimul­ation
no response
motor response
follows commands
makes localizing movements to pain
makes withdrawal movements to pain
flexor posturing to pain
extensor posturing to pain
no response
verbal response
oriented to person place and date
converses but is disori­ented
says inappr­opriate words
says incomplete sounds
no response

behaviors with injury

left hemisphere injury
language (speech reading writing); logic deficits; depres­sion, anxiety; insight of deficits; slow cautions behavior; easily distra­ctable; persev­eration
brain stem injury
swallowing and speech diffic­ulty; unstable vitals; potential organ failure
frontal brain injury
person­ality changes; body scheme deficits; poor problem solving skills
parietal brain injury
attention deficits, contra­lateral neglect
temporal brain injury
agnosia; prosop­agnosia
occipital brain injury
vision impairment
cerebellum brain injury
dysmetria; delayed reaction time; ataxia; tremor
right hemisphere injury
spatial temporal deficits; visual spatial deficts; poor body scheme, neglect; lack insight, poor judgment; increased safety risk; diffic­ulties with abstract reasoning; euphoria; difficulty perceving emotions; impulsive
bilateral brain injury
impaired vision; emotional abnorm­ali­ties; confusion; short attention span; memory loss; poor executive functi­oning