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questions Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

therapy questions with theories

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT question:
what specific thoughts were you having at that moment?
identi­fying automatic thoughts
how did that thought make you feel about yourself?
exploring emotional impact
on a scale of 1-10, how much do you believe that thought?
assessing belief strengths
what evidence suppor­ts/­refutes this belief?
encour­aging critical thinking
have you ever had a situation where that belief was wrong?
challe­nging thought patterns
how might someone who loves you challenge that thought?
shifting perspe­ctive
if you believed the opposite, how might your behavior change?
consid­ering altern­ative actions
are you genera­lizing this to other areas of your life?
identi­fying cognitive distor­tions - all or nothing thinking
what's the worst case scenario? how would you cope?
anxiety reduction through problem solving
how does holding this belief benefit or hinder you?
exploring pros/cons of mainta­ining the thought
what advice would you give a friend with this thought?
gaining an objective perspe­ctive
what would you like to think instead?
encour­aging healthier thinking
are there behaviors based on this belief?
linking thoughts to behaviors
does this thought align with your core values?
evaluating belief alignment with values
what triggers or patterns bring up this thought?
identi­fying triggers and patterns
in what situations is this belief most and least accurate?
contex­tua­lizing the belief
how would you feel without this belief?
exploring emotional impact of change
do any actions reinforce this belief?
recogn­izing reinfo­rcing behaviors
how might changing this belief alter future decisions?
motivating positive future changes

Cognitive Behavioral Theory basis

emphasizes the connection between our thoughts behaviors and feelings
aims to identify and challenge negative thought patterns

Existe­ntial Therapy Questions

ET Questions:
what gives your life meaning and purpose?
exploring personal meaning and value
How do you relate to the idea of freedom in your life?
Reflecting on autonomy and choice
What personal respon­sib­ilities do you often ponder about?
Examining individual respon­sib­ility
How do you cope with feelings of loneliness or isolation?
Unders­tanding responses to existe­ntial isolation
What are your thoughts on the inevitable nature of death?
Addressing mortality and death anxiety
How do you define a life well-l­ived?
Exploring personal philos­ophies of fulfil­lment
What stands between you and living authen­tic­ally?
Identi­fying barriers to authen­ticity
How do you grapple with life's uncert­ain­ties?
Coping with ambiguity and unpred­ict­ability
Where do you find hope when confronted with challe­nges?
Identi­fying sources of motivation during hardship
What experi­ences make you feel most alive?
Exploring moments of deep engagement and vitality
How does the idea of choice influence your decisions?
Reflecting on the power of personal decisions
When do you feel most connec­ted­/di­sco­nnected from the world?
Exploring feelings of connection or alienation
What existe­ntial fears or anxieties do you often contem­plate?
Addressing existe­ntial concerns
How do you derive meaning from your relati­ons­hips?
Unders­tanding the role of relati­onships in meanin­g-m­aking
Do you feel trapped by societal norms or expect­ations?
Reflecting on societal pressures and personal freedom
What legacy or impact do you hope to leave?
Exploring ideas of legacy and contri­bution
How do you view your journey of self-d­isc­overy and growth?
Reflecting on personal evolution
Do you question your signif­icance or worth?
Examining self-worth and existe­ntial doubt
How do you reconcile with past regrets or missed opport­uni­ties?
Processing regret and acceptance
What beliefs guide you when navigating life's comple­xities?
Exploring guiding principles in challe­nging situations

Existe­ntial Therapy

dives into life's fundam­ental questions, such as the meaning of life, freedom and respon­sib­ility, isolation, and mortality.
aims to help indivi­duals confront these existe­ntial concerns, find purpose, and lead a life that feels authentic


Psycho­dynamic Therapy Questions
can you recall an early memory that this current situation reminds you of?
exploring links between past and present
how did you feel in your family growing up?
examining family dynamics and emotional develo­pment
do you notice any patterns in the types of relati­onships you form?
identi­fying repetitive relati­onship patterns
how does this relati­onship compare to ones in your past?
drawing parallels between past and current relati­onships
what did you learn about trust, love and conflict as a child?
uncovering learned beliefs about relati­onships
can you remember a time when you felt similarly as a kid?
accessing childhood emotions linked to current experi­ences
how do you think your childhood shapes your current reactions?
unders­tanding how early experi­ences impact present behavior
what role did you feel you played in your family growing up
exploring identity formation within family dynamics
do you recall any recurring dreams from the past or present?
uncovering uncons­cious material through dreams
in what ways might you be repeating behaviors from earlier life?
identi­fying cyclical behaviors rooted in the past
what thoughts arise when you think about [specific past event/­per­son]?
processing unresolved feelings related to the past
how did your family handle emotions like anger or sadness?
exploring emotional regulation and family emotional dynamics
how might this issue have roots in a past experience or relati­onship?
connecting past experi­ences with present issues
do certain situations make you feel younger or take you back to a past time?
invest­igating regression and emotional responses
what hopes or fears from your childhood might still be influe­ncing you?
uncovering lingering childhood anxieties or desires
were there any family secrets or unspoken rules you felt growing up?
exploring family dynamics and hidden influences
how would your younger self react to your current situation?
reflecting on childhood perspe­ctives in the present
what would you want to ask your caregivers if they were here now?
processing unresolved issues or commun­ication with caregivers
how have past losses or traumas influenced your emotional handling today?
examining the impact of trauma or loss on current coping
in what ways do you feel you have grown or changed since childhood
reflecting on personal develo­pment and growth

Psycho­dynamic Theory

belief that our early experi­ences, especially with caregivers shape how we see the world and relate to others
by digging into these memories and feelings, often stored deep in our subcon­scious we can unveil patterns and heal old wounds

Family Therapy

FT questions:
how would you describe your role within the family?
exploring family roles and dynamics
can you share a recent event where you felt connected as a family?
identi­fying positive family experi­ences
are there patterns in family intera­ctions?
highli­ghting recurring behaviors and commun­ication styles
how do you usually respond when [specific family situat­ion]?
examining individual responses to family dynamics
what changes would you like to see in family dynamics?
setting goals for improved relati­onships
how do you feel when [family member] does [action]?
unders­tanding emotional reactions to family behaviors
when does the family commun­icate best?
identi­fying effective commun­ication patterns
are there any topics that feel off limits?
addressing barriers to open commun­ication
how do you handle disagr­eements or conflicts?
exploring conflict resolution within the family
how has your family dealt with challenges or crises?
exploring coping mechanisms during difficult times
how do you show love or apprec­iation to each other?
unders­tanding emotional expression within the family
what traditions or routines are important to your family?
highli­ghting meaningful family rituals
how would you like to feel in family intera­ctions?
identi­fying emotional needs in family dynamics
what do you wish your family members understood about you?
encour­aging empathy and deeper unders­tanding
how does the family support members during tough times?
examining support systems within the family
are outside influences affecting the family dynamic?
assessing external pressures impacting the family
what hopes or dreams do you have for your family's future?
exploring future aspira­tions for the family
in what ways do you feel herd or unheard?
addressing commun­ication gaps
how can each family member contribute to harmony?
fostering respon­sib­ility for positive change

Family Therapy Theory

revolves around unders­tanding and improving the dynamics of familial relati­onships
recognizes the family as a unique system where each member plays a role and their actions affect everyone
goals often extend beyond helping a single individual
aims to bring harmony unders­tanding and positive change to the entire family unit

Founda­tional Questions for Establ­ishing Rapport

can you tell me a bit more about your daily routine?
what are some hobbies or activities you enjoy?
who are the primary people in your life right now?
can you tell me a bit about your family history?

Interv­ention list for notes

cognitive challe­nging
cognitive refocusing
cognitive reframing
commun­ication skills
compliance issues
explor­ation of coping
patterns explor­ation
emotions explor­ation
relati­onship patterns
guided imagery
intera­ctive feedback
interp­ersonal resolu­tions
mindfu­lness training
preven­tative services
psycho education
relaxa­tio­n/deep breathing
review of tx plan
role play
behavioral rehearsal
structured problem solving
supportive reflection
symptom management

Interp­ersonal Insights

Interp­ersonal Insights Questions:
how do you currently feel in your relati­ons­hips?
assessing current emotional states in relati­onships
can you describe a recent situation where you felt unsupp­orted?
identi­fying unmet emotional needs
how do you handle conflicts or disagr­eem­ents?
exploring conflict resolution strategies
how do you seek support when you are feeling down?
unders­tanding support seeking behaviors
have recent events changed the dynamics of your relati­ons­hips?
analyzing external influences on relati­onships
how do you feel after intera­ctions with specific people?
reflecting on the emotional impact of intera­ctions
is there a give and take in your relati­ons­hips?
assessing recipr­ocity in relati­onships
how would you describe your role in your group?
exploring identity within social circles
are there patterns you would like to change?
identi­fying proble­matic interp­ersonal patterns
how do mood changes influence intera­ctions?
examining the effects of emotions on relati­onships
is there a strained relati­onship right now?
focusing on resolving current relational tension
how do you cope when someone close is going through a tough time?
unders­tanding emotional support in difficult times
what expect­ations do others have of you?
examining perceived social expect­ations
are unresolved feelings from past relati­onships affecting the present?
exploring the impact of past experi­ences on current relati­onships
how do you react when you feel misund­ers­tood?
relfecting on commun­ication and emotional priorities
do you feel like your genuine self around others?
assessing authen­ticity in relati­onships
how do external stresses impact your relati­ons­hips?
analyzing how external factors affect interp­ersonal dynamics
are there times when you feel isolated from loved ones?
identi­fying feelings of emotional distance or isolation
what steps do you take to mend or strengthen relati­ons­hips?
fostering active efforts in relati­onship building

Interp­ersonal Theory IPT

Interp­ersonal therapy shines a light on the intricate web of our relati­ons­hips, unders­tanding how they impact our mental well-being and vice versa. By addressing and refining these interp­ersonal dynamics, indivi­duals can often find relief from emotional distress and forge stronger, more fulfilling connec­tions

Potential Questions for initial session

can you share what brings you here today?
have you had any prior experience with therapy?
what do you hope to gain from our sessions?
can you tell me a bit about your current living situation and relati­ons­hips?
how would you describe your mood or feelings over the past few weeks?
are there specific events or experi­ences that have signif­icantly impacted your life?
how do you usually cope with stress or challe­nges?
are there any immediate concerns or crises you are currently facing?
what are your strengths or things you are proud of?
how do you feel about starting therapy?