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hand assessments Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Name of assessment What it measures Developed for Scoring, set up Ot / OTA collab

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Neurop­athies Conditions

ulnar claw
ulnar nerve (hyper­ext­ension of 4/5th digits)
hand of benedi­ction
high median nerve - only occurs when attempt to make a fist
ape hand
median nerve - injured hand at rest - thumb adducted, cannot abduct­/oppose thumb
wrist drop
ulnar nerve issue
carpal tunnel
median nerve compre­ssion at wrist
cubital tunnel
ulnar nerve compre­ssion at elbow
ulnar tunnel - handle palsy
ulnar nerve compre­ssion at guyons canal
radial tunnel
radial tunnel compre­ssion

Neurop­athies testing

carpal tunnel testing
tinel and phalens - prayer­/re­verse prayer sign
cubital tunnel testing
de quarvans
positive finkel­stein "hook grip"
semmes wienstein - sensory
occlude pts eye; touch different areas of hand
guyons canal syndrome testing
testing over guyons canal
ulnar nerve testing motor innerv­ation of thumb
positive froments test - flexion of IP joint of thumb

Finger issues

trigger finger
A1 pulley
swan neck deformity
proximal interp­hal­angeal (PIP) joint hypere­xte­nsion and the distal interp­hal­angeal (DIP) joint flexion
bouton­niere deformity
flexed at the proximal interp­hal­angeal joint (PIP) and hypere­xtended at the distal interp­hal­angeal joint (DIP)
ulnar drift
fingers shift towards ulnar side - RA

tendon repairs

passive flexion using rubber band traction and active extension to the hood of the splint
- 0-4 weeks early phase
dorsal block splint
- 4-7 weeks interm­ediate phase
continue dorsal block splint, but adjust wrist to neutral
- 6-8 weeks AROM
no splint, AROM, light OT activities
- 8-12 weeks
streng­the­ning, work, leisure
passive flexion and extension of digit
- 0-4.5 weeks
dorsal blocking splint, exercises in splint include flexion of PIP joint, DIP joint
- 4.5-6 weeks
active flexion and extension within limits of splint
- 6-8 weeks
tendon glides, differ­ential tendon gliding, scar management
- 8-12 weeks
streng­the­nin­g/work activities


brachial plexus injury
flail arm splint - for positi­oning
radial nerve injury
colditz or radial nerve splint -for function
medial nerve injury
opponens splint (for functional activi­ties), Cbar, thumb post
ulnar nerve injury
anticlaw splint, lumbrical bar splint - prevent clawing
spinal cord - C6-C7
tenodesis splint - facilitate grasp and release
carpal tunnel syndrome
wrist splint positioned in neutral - decrease carpal canal pressure
cubital tunnel syndrome
elbow splint position at 30 degrees of flexion - prevent elbow flexion at night
de quervains
thumb splint, includes wrist, IP joints free
skiers thumb
UCL hand based thumb splint - protect the ulnar collateral ligament of MCP
CMC arthritis
hand based thumb splint - for hand to be at rest to decrease inflam­mation
ulnar drift
ulnar wrist/­dev­iation splint - decrease pain, provide stability, realign MCP
flexor tendon injury
dorsal protection splint - for protection of site
swan neck
silver rings, button­hol­e/h­ype­rex­tension block splint - prevent further deformity
bouton­niere deformity
silver ring or PIP extension
functional splint or safe splint - decrease inflam­mation
restin­g/f­unc­tional hand splint - prevent joint contra­cture, common wearing and at night then on off during the day
spasticity splint or cone splint - prevent joint contra­cture
muscle weakness - ALS, SCI, guillain barre
balanced forearm orthosis (BFO), deltoid sling/­sus­pension sling - supports
hand burns
wrist 15-30 degrees extension, MCP 50-70 degrees flexion, IPs in full extension

Range of motion

measur­ement tool
functional ROM
rom needed to perform functional movements - reaching to top of head, small of back
active ROM - AROM
contra­ctile structures - movement produced by ones own muscle
passive ROM - PROM
noncon­tra­ctile structures - movement produced by an external force
active assisted range of motion - AAROM
movement produced by ones own muscles and assisted by an external force

muscle strength testing and interv­entions

break test is most common
5 normal
Complete ROM against gravity and maximal resist­ance. Resistive exercise is used to increase strength. Example: Tossing a medicine ball while standing.
4 good
Complete ROM against gravity and moderate resist­ance. Resistive exercise is used to increase strength. Example: Tossing a beach ball with weighted cuffs strapped to the patient’s wrists. Tossing a therapy ball.
3+ fair plus
Complete ROM against gravity and slight resist­ance. Resistive exercise is used to increase strength. Example: Tossing a beach ball.
3 fair
Complete ROM against gravity. When a grade of 3 is reached, the activity can be structured to move against gravity. Example: Balloon volleyball / throwing a balloon at a target, which requires the patient to lift their arm up against gravity. Adapted volleyball type game.
3- / fair minus
More than 50% ROM against gravity. Example: Structure an activity to encourage the patient to lift his arm up in a vertical plane, against gravity. As the patient will not be able to achieve a complete ROM, place the goal at the highest level which the patient is able to reach.
2+ poor plus
Less than 50% ROM against gravity / complete ROM gravity eliminated slight resist­ance. Example: Place the patient’s arm on top of a table. Structure a table top activity which requires the patient to slide their arm along the surface of the table, through a complete ROM (in a gravity eliminated plane). Using a regular surface and introd­ucing weighted game pieces, will add resistance to the movement.
2 poor
Complete ROM with gravity elimin­ated. For exerci­ses­/ac­tiv­ities performed in a gravit­y-r­educed plane, use a powdered surface or skateboard to reduce the resistance produced by friction on a supporting surface. Example: Place the patient’s arm on top of a table which has been covered with powder. Structure a table top activity which requires the patient to slide their arm along the surface of the table, through a complete ROM (in a gravity eliminated plane). Play a board game with light game pieces, or table cricket.
2- / poor minus
Incomplete ROM with gravity elimin­ated. Patient moves the joint through partial ROM and the therapist or mechanical device completes the ROM. Example: Support the patient’s arm and allow the patient to actively move through as much range as is possible, in a gravity eliminated plane. As soon as the therapist feels/­obs­erves that the patient has stopped actively moving, the therapist continues to support and move the patient’s arm through the complete ROM. Incorp­orate a goal into the exercise e.g. incorp­orate using a suspension mobile arm support with a meaningful activity.
1 trace
No movement but can contract muscle. Facilitate muscle contra­ction – Tap, rub, vibrate muscle to facilitate a stronger contra­ction. Active­-As­sisted Exercise. The patient contracts their muscle, and the therapist or a mechanical device completes the entire ROM. Slings, pulleys, weights, springs, or elastic bands may be used to provide mechanical assist­ance. This exercise is graded by decreasing the amount of assistance until the patient can perform active exercises. Example: Supporting and moving the patient’s arm through a full ROM in a gravity eliminated plane. Incorp­orate a goal into the exercise e.g. support the patient’s arm on a large ball and assist the patient in rolling the ball through a full ROM, to play a variation of tradit­ional ten-pin bowling.
0 zero
No muscle contra­ction. Paralysis. Maintain PROM. The purpose of passive exercise is to prevent contra­ctures, adhesions, and deformity by mainta­ining ROM.

simple interv­entions

increasing strength
high resist­ance, low reps
increasing endurance
increase reps, low weight­/re­sis­tance
edema reduction
elevation, retrograde massage, compre­ssion, contrast baths
scar mgt
ROM, massage, compre­ssion, scar pad with compre­ssion, splinting, edema control
sensory training - desens­iti­zation for hypers­ens­itivity
massage, textures, vibration, fluido­therapy
sensory training - re-edu­cation
massage, textures, vibration, fluido­therapy *high risk for injury since they are not feeling
joint protection
use hips/k­nees, push large items with full body, carry bags on forearm
body mechanics
do not move items that are too heavy, keep objects close to the body during lifting, hold object centered at waist level


cold pack
pain manage­ment, anti inflam­mation, edema control, decrease of muscle guarding, spasm.
Hypers­ens­itivity or poor tolerance to cold • Raynaud’s disease and phenomenon • Circul­atory impairment – e.g. hemorr­haging tissue or untreated hemorr­hagic disorders • Peripheral vascular disease • Active DVT • Impaired sensation (neuro­pathy) • Open wounds, near chronic wounds • Cryogl­obu­linemia* • Over regene­rating nerves • Impaired cognition and/or ability to commun­icate
hot pack
subacute and chronic condit­ions. Relieves pain, increases soft tissue extens­ibi­lity, reduces muscle spasm, relaxes skeletal muscles, decreases joint stiffness, and promotes wound healing.
Peripheral vascular disease • Impaired circul­ation, bleeding disorder, DVT or thromb­oph­lebitis • Local malignancy and recently radiated areas • Acute inflam­mation or trauma, edema, infection • Open wounds • Over large scars • Impaired sensation (neuro­pathy) • Large areas, or at sufficient intensity to raise core temper­ature- pregnancy, severe cardiac disease/in cardiac failure • Impaired ability to commun­icate- cognition or commun­ication impair­ments sufficient to prevent patient from giving accurate and timely feedback • Areas affected by heat-s­ens­itive skin diseases (e.g., eczema) • Areas of skin breakdown or damage producing uneven heat conduction across the skin • Reprod­uctive organs (testes)
fluido­therapy - heat
help patients with their hands and wrists. Arthritis, chronic tendon­itis, postop­erative condit­ions, post fracture manage­ment, and Raynaud’s syndrome.
open wounds
neurom­uscular electrical stimul­ation NMES - muscle stimul­ation
stimulate paralyzed, paretic muscle, muscle weakness, peripheral neurop­athy, and muscle spasm.
Pregnancy • Cancer • Presence of a cardiac pacemaker, or any other electrical simula­tors. Precau­tions include obesity, impaired sensation, and over relatively superf­icial metal implants.
useful for contra­ctures due to rheumatoid arthritis, burns, and progre­ssive systemic sclerosis (scler­ode­rma). Used to treat chronic arthritis of the hand, various distal extremity conditions to increase ROM, manages pain, and assists in wound healing.
if patient has open wounds, abrasions or skin infect­ions.
transc­uta­neous electrical nerve stimul­ation - TENS - used for PAIN
Stimulates nerve fibers and provides sympto­matic relief of pain. Used to treat chronic pain syndrome, spinal radicu­lop­athy, low back pain, reflex sympat­hetic dystrophy, etc.
Pregnancy • Pacemakers • Prone to seizures- Tens “pulses” have the ppotential to trigger a seizure.
Penetrates deep into the muscul­ature and joint tissues. • Increase the extens­ibility of collagen fibers in tendons and joint capsules • Reduce muscle spasms • Aids tissue healing – speeds up the rate of healing & enhance the quality of the repair • Modulate pain, goes to the deepest layer for pain
Pacemaker • Areas of decreased circul­ation • Impaired sensation • Pregnancy • Along the cervical sympat­hetic ganglion (or over the antero­lateral neck) • Directly over the spinal column after lamine­ctomy • Severe arterial disease or DVT • Bleeding disorders • Over a bony prominence • Over epiphyseal plates • Any surgically implanted artificial product (e.g., Gortex or mesh) may build up heat in an area.
Pain management • Wound manage­ment, partic­ularly in the management of burn patients • To facilitate debrid­ement in infected wounds, non-dr­aining wounds, wounds with thick eschar, and on wounds with loosely adherent necrotic tissue • Helps dressings to be removed slowly and gently, reducing the pain of dressing changes. • ROM exercises • Promoting muscular relaxation
Fever • Recent skin grafts • Circul­atory impairment • Active bleeding/ hemorr­haging • Open wounds • Sensory or vascular impairment
contrast baths
Hot/cold immersion therapy is a method of treating: • Muscle soreness • Swelling • Inflam­mation. • Joint injuries, mild sprains, • Symptoms of chronic pain and repetitive strain injuries • Edema
Same as Superf­icial Heat and Cold