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cva - stroke - and terms Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

CVA - OT evals, tx considerations, terminology

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


NIH stroke scale
15 item evaluation for CVA on consci­ous­ness, language, neglect, visual fields, eye movement, motor strength, ataxia, dysart­hria, and sensation. 0=No CVA, 21-42=­Severe CVA.
Mini FIM
Evaluation of function – self-care, transfers, mobility, and cognition. 0=Not taken place, 1= total assist, 7= indepe­ndent. A score is obtained for each functional task. Includes 7 of the 18 items of the FIM.
being phased out and replaced with CARE Tool.
Glasgow coma scale
eye-op­ening, verbal response, and motor response. <3=­veg­atative state, 3-8=severe disabi­lity, 13-15=mild injury.
barthel index
evaluation of function for eating, grooming, bathing, bowel and bladder, toileting, dressing, mobility, transfers, and stairs. 0-100. 0=total depend­ence, 100=total indepe­ndence.
Measures the 3 functional domains of basic mobility, daily activi­ties, and cognition.
assessment of motor and process skills AMPS
observ­ation of ADLs in a natural enviro­nment.
modified ashworth scale
measures spasticity
activity card sort
clients describe their social, daily, and leisure activi­ties.
canadian occupa­tional perfor­mance measure COPM
captures client’s self-p­erc­eption of perfor­mance in self-care, produc­tivity, and leisure.
community integr­ation questi­onnaire
assesses limita­tions in social and community intera­ctions
stroke impact scale
self-r­eport questi­onnaire of disability and health­-re­lated QoL
reinte­gration to normal living index
quanti­tat­ively assesses the degree that clients can reinte­grate into social activities
montreal cognitive assessment MoCA
assesses for the level of cognitive impair­ment.

stroke tx consid­era­tions

type of occupation
tx techniques
occupa­tions while seated
1. Loss of trunk and postural control 2. Inability to sit in proper alignment 3. Loss of righting and equili­brium reactions 4. Increased risk for falls -may fall during attempts at function 5. Dysfun­ction in limb control -diffi­culty reaching beyond arm span 6. Visual dysfun­ction secondary to head and neck misali­gnment 7. Symptoms of dysphagia due to misali­gnment 8. Impaired ability to interact with the enviro­nment 9. Decreased ADLs
1. Establish a neutral yet active starting alignment -feet flat on floor in weight bearing position -equal weight distri­bution through ischial tubero­sities -neutral to slight anterior pelvic tilt -erect spine -head over shoulders and shoulders over hips 2. Establish the ability to maintain the trunk in midline using external cues. -mirror for visual feedback -verbal cues -envir­onm­ental cues 3. Maintain trunk ROM through wheelchair and armchair positi­oning that maintains the trunk in proper alignment. -exercise program focused on trunk ROM -hands on facili­tation as needed for mobili­zation 4. Dynamic weight shifting activities to allow practice of weight shift through the pelvis. -set up occupa­tions to reach beyond arm span and limits of stability -adjust posture.. 5. Trunk streng­thening -use tasks that require the patient to control the trunk against gravity -bridge the hips in supine position to strengthen the back extensors 6. Compen­satory strategies and enviro­nmental adapta­tions -use when trunk control does not improve to a sufficient level, putting patient at risk -compe­nsatory strategies such as one-handed shoe tying -adaptive equipment, including reachers and long handled devices -wheel­chair seating systems -lumbar rolls -lateral supports -cushions
occupa­tions while standing
1. Asymme­trical weight distri­bution -weight distri­bution is seen through the lower extrem­ities as well as the trunk .. 2. Automatic postural controls may be impaired. -ankle strate­gies, used to maintain center of mass and control small, slow, swaying motions -hip strate­gies, used to maintain or restore equili­brium -stepping strate­gies, used when ankle and hip strategies are ineffe­ctive .. 3. Resulting problems with base of support (BOS) -movement of BOS toward the COM -steps taken to widen BOS
1. Establish symmet­rical BOS and proper alignment to prepare to engage in occupa­tions -hands on support as needed -feet approx­imately hip width apart -equal weight bearing through feet -neutral pelvis -knees slightly bent -aligned and symmet­rical trunk .. 2. Focus on ability to bear weight and shift weight through affected lower extremity. .. 3. Encourage dynamic reaching activities in multiple enviro­nments to develop task specific weight shifting abilities .. 4. Use the enviro­nment to grade task difficulty and provide external support5. Train upright control within the context of functional tasks
inability to use language
Aphasia – a language disorder that results from neurol­ogical impairment Global aphasia – loss of all language skills Broca’s Aphasia – expressive aphasia, results from damage to the frontal regions of the left hemisphere Wernicke’s Aphasia – receptive aphasia, results in the inability to understand language in both spoken and written forms Anomic aphasia – difficulty with word retrieval
1. Give the patient time to respond – do not force a response .. 2. Use concise language and simple sentences .. 3. Insure genera­liz­ation, or transfer of learning from one context to another -vary treatment enviro­nments -vary the nature of tasks -help patient to become aware of how he or she processes inform­ation -teach processing strategies -relate new learning to old .. 4. Types of transfer i. Near transfer – involves transfer of learning between two tasks with one or two different charac­ter­istics iii. Far transfer – involves transfer of learning between tasks that are concep­tually similar but few or no charac­ter­istics in common iv. Very far transfer– sponta­neous applic­ation of learning to everyday living
inability to use UE
1. Limita­tions due to: -pain -contr­acture -loss of motor control -weakness -learned disuse .. 2. Sublux­ati­on:­-ma­lal­ignment of the shoulder caused by instab­ility of the glenoh­umeral joint -common compli­cation of CVA -inferior sublux­ation – head of the humerus slides below the glenoid fossa – caused by muscle weakness and atrophy -anterior sublux­ation – head of the humerus sits anterior to the glenoid fossa – caused by weak rotator cuff muscul­ature and muscle spasticity -superior sublux­ation – head of the humerus lodges under the acromion process and the coraco­acr­omial ligament – also called high riding shoulder … 3. Tonicity: -low muscle tone immedi­ately following CVA -gleno­humeral joint and wrist are suscep­tible to damage due to sublux­ation and unstable wrist -splinting used to maintain joint alignment, protect tissues from changes in length, prevent injury, and assist with edema control -resting hand position to provide support to the palmar arch while mainta­ining neutral wrist position -high muscle tone may develop several days or weeks after CVA, resulting in limited movement and/or contra­cture of the affected arm
1. Evaluation should focus on assessing the patient’s ability to integrate UE perfor­mance of functional tasks -use the affected UE to support perfor­mance … 2. Standa­rdized assess­ments include TEMPA, AMAT, Jebsen, AMPS … 3. Weight bearing through affected UE … 4. Moving objects across a work surface with a static grasp -ironing, opening drawers, polishing furniture … 5. Reaching and manipu­lation -reach for and hold object -manip­ulate the object with thumb and finger movements -use objects of different sizes and shapes to facilitate hand control during reach and manipu­lation -choose activities approp­riate for motor control level and grade tasks … 6. Constr­ain­t-i­nduced movement therapy (CIMT) -restrain the unaffected arm to force movement of the affected arm … 7. Train the arm to be used in weight bearing while reaching

areas of the brain

frontal lobe
motor control
premotor cortex
problem solving
prefrontal area
speech production
BROCAs area
temporal lobe
auditory processing
language compre­hension
wernickes area
inform­ation retrieval
involu­ntary responses
parietal lobe
touch perception
somato­sensory cortex
body orient­ation
sensory discri­min­ation
occipital lobe
visual cortex
visual reception
visual interp­ret­ation
balance and coordi­nation

stroke termin­ology

eyes ability to adjust to various distances in the enviro­nment
visual sharpness
coping with the changes of task demands
adhesive capsul­itiis
frozen shoulder
adjustment to disability
psycho­social condition in which the pt faces barriers to the acceptance of their disability
acquired writing distur­bance
speech impairment resulting in the absence of speech
ankle strategy
autonomic postural responses to maintain balance using the ankles
inability to name things
poor insight or denial of one's own disabi­lities
commun­ication deficit resulting in the loss of the ability to speak or understand language
difficulty expressing and recogn­izing social emotions
the inability to recognize things using touch; tactile agnosia
blocked practice
practice using drills with numerous reps
broca's aphasia
non fluent expression affecting speech
cognitive orient­ation to daily occupa­tional perfor­mance model
a client centered meta cognitive approach with collab­ora­tion, goal setting, perfor­mance analysis, cognitive strate­gies, guided discovery to promote generalize and transfer
color agnosia
inability to name or recognize colors
concrete thinking
inflexible thinking
movement of an object through the clients visual field
coordi­nated eye movement inwards to focus on an object
cortical blindness
blindness resulting from a lesson in the cerebral cortex
separation of body parts during movement patterns
eye movement outwards
enviro­nmental control unit
a device used to interact with the enviro­nment
far transfer
introd­ucing an activity of the same context but different from the initial task performed
global aphasia
severely impaired language
visual field deficit (blind­ness) in half of the visual field
hetero­topic ossifi­cation
overgrowth or deposit of bone in soft tissues which may affect movement
ideational apraxia
inability to perform a task due to loss of a model or mental repres­ent­ation of the procedure
interm­ediate transfer
changing a number of task parameters while keeping familiar initial task parameters
ipsila­teral pushing
stroke syndrome charac­terized by physically pushing the body towards one side due to misper­cevied center of gravity and midline
learned nonuse
lack of use of a body part resulting from stroke and its diminished perception of function
motor adaptation
ability to adapt to postural responses to enviro­nmental demands and task changes
motor apraxia
inability to perform purposeful movements due to impaired planning and sequencing of movements
near transfer
performing an alternate form of the initial task
abnormal tissue growth, tumor
ability to organize thoughts to perform a task in an organized manner with proper sequencing and timing
ideation, planning purposeful movements
procedural memory
recalling the steps of a task
inability to recognize familiar faces
saccadic eye movements
fast, voluntary, coordi­nated movements of the eyes to fixate back and fourth on two points at a distance
body scheme disorder charac­terized by decreased awareness of body structure and recogn­ition of ones own body parts and their relati­onship to each other
hypertonus and hypera­ctive stretch reflexes
inability of eyes to cross axes due to imbalanced eye muscles, impaired saccades
trende­lenberg sign
when one stands on the affected limb and the opposite gluteal fold falls
unilateral body neglect
forgetting about one side of the body due to stroke
wallenberg sign
horner syndrome, cerebeller ataxia and contra­lateral loss of pain and temp
wernickies aphasia
reduced speech compre­hension

symptoms associated with parts of the brain

internal carotid artery
1. Contra­lateral hemipl­egia, hemian­est­hesia. And homonymous Hemian­opsia 2. Occurrence in dominant hemisphere is associated with aphasia, agraph­ia/­dys­gra­phia, acalcu­lia­/dy­sca­lculia, right/left confusion, finger agnosia 3. Occurrence in non-do­minant hemisphere associated with perceptual dysfun­ction, unilateral neglect, anosog­nosia attention deficits, loss of topogr­aphic memory
middle cerebral artery - most common
1. Contra­lateral hemiplegia with greater involv­ement of the arm, face and tongue; sensory deficits; contra­lateral homonymous hemian­opsia and aphasia if the lesion is in the dominant hemisphere 2. Pronounced deviation of the head and neck toward the side of the lesion 3. Perceptual deficits such as anosog­nosia, unilateral neglect, impaired vertical percep­tion, visual spatial deficits
anterior cerebral artery
1. Contra­lateral lower extremity weakness, more severe than upper extremity weakness. 2. Apraxia, mental changes, primitive reflexes and bowel/­bladder incont­inence may be present. 3. Cortical sensory loss in lower extremity. 4. Intell­ectual changes including confusion, disori­ent­ation, whispe­ring, slow processing speed, distra­cti­bility, limited verbal­iza­tions, amnesia 5. Total occlusion of artery results in contra­lateral hemiplegia with severe weakness of the face, tongue and proximal arm muscles, marked spastic paralysis of the distal lower extremity.
posterior cerebral artery
1. Broad, multiple symptoms 2. Sensory motor deficits, involu­ntary movement disorders, postural tremors, hemiat­axia, memory loss, astere­ogn­osis, dysest­hesia, kinest­hesia, contra­lateral homonymous hemian­opsia, anomia, topogr­aphic disori­ent­ation, visual agnosia
cerebellar arteries
1. Ipsila­teral ataxia, contra­lateral loss of sensation of pain and temper­ature 2. Ipsila­teral facial analgesia 3. Dysphagia, dysart­hria, nystagmus and contra­lateral hemipa­resis