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h Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by


This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Strategy consists of 4 steps

o	Define a primary task
o	Assess core competencies
o	Determine order qualifiers and order winners
o	Position the firm

Product Strate­gy-­>Pr­ocess Strategy

Compet­itive Dimensions

Product Quality and Reliab­ility
Delivery Speed
Delivery Reliab­ility
Coping with Changes in Demand
Flexib­ility and New Product Introd­uction Speed
Other Produc­t-S­pecific Criteria

Primary Task

a.	Represents the purpose of the firm 
b.	Identifies the area in which it will be competing

An effective operating model aligns

all business processes to serve critical customer needs.

Strategic Operating Model

Fast Service

The Essence of Business Process Design (BPD)

1.Process components
2.Process choice­/co­nfi­gur­ation
3.Prod­uct­ion­/se­rvice strategies
4.Process control
Config­uring the process archit­ecture to satisfy customer desires in an efficient way
Customers can be both internal and external
Internal customer requir­ements must be aligned with the desires of the external customers in the business strategy as we have seen

Fundam­ental Strategic Questions

What product or service should we produce?
How should we plan to compete?

Linking Processes to Strategy

a. Divide market into segments
b. Price, service, product charac­ter­istics, etc.
c. Evaluate order winner­s/q­ual­ifiers for target segment.
d. Translate order winner­s/q­ual­ifiers into process requir­ements.
e. Design processes to meet requir­ements
f. Equipment, facility, labor,
g. Design infras­tru­cture to support processes.
h. Inform­ation system, accounting systems, management style, etc

Process Choices


Process Management

Step 1-Making Operat­ional Trade-Offs
-Labor vs Respon­siv­eness
Step 2-Overcome Ineffi­cie­ncies
-Change current system
Step 3
-Evaluate Proposed Redesi­gns/New Techno­logies

Process Management Step 2

Overcome Ineffi­cie­ncies
-Change current system

Process config­uration

Configuration governs:
Where resources are deployed
The path of flow units
The structure of the network of activities and buffers
Process configuration:
Largely determines process capability
Is largely determined through process choice