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Sam stuff Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Tmux / vim / sublime shortcuts used for dev

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

TMUX General & Sessions

start tmux and attach to default session
Default Bind Key
bind-key ?
Lists bind-key combin­­ations
tmux ls
prints a list of existing tmux sessions
tmux new -s <na­­me>
Create a new named tmux session
tmux kill-s­­ession -t <na­­me>
Kill a session when you're done with it
bind­-key $
Rename session

Tmux - Windows / Tabs

bind-key c
Create a new window/tab
bind-key w
List wi­ndo­­ws­/tabs (helps on smaller screens)
bind-key ,
(Re)Name a window/tab
bind-key &
Kill current window (confi­­rm­ation req)
bind-key <nu­­mb­e­r>
Go directly to numbered window