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PyCharm Condensed Keyboard Shortcuts (DRAFT) by

Shortened & rearranged version of the official reference card at

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Ctrl + Shift + A
Search actions
Alt + Enter
Show intent actions
Alt + [←/→]
Switch tabs

Search for elements

Ctrl + N
Go to class
Ctrl + Shift + N
Go to file
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N
Go to symbol
Alt + F7
Find usages

Navigate in context

Navigate last / next
Last edit location
Toggle bookmark
Ctrl + [0-9]
Go to bookmark
Shift + F11
Show bookmarks
Ctrl + F11
Named bookmark

Navigate from Symbols

Ctrl + B
Ctrl + Alt + B
Ctrl + U
Super method

Search for text

Double Shift
Search everywhere
Ctrl + Shift + F
Find in selected folder
Ctrl + F3
Find word at caret
F3 / [Shift + F3]
Next / Previous occurence

Selection & Clipboard

Ctrl + W
Extend selection
Ctrl + Shift + W
Shrink selection
Ctrl + Shift + V
Clipboard history
Ctrl + Shift + C
Copy document path

Line editing

Ctrl + /
Toggle line comment
Ctrl + Alt + I
Auto Indent
Ctrl + Alt + +
Select line
Ctrl + D
Duplicate line
Ctrl + Y
Delete line
Ctrl + Shift + [↑/↓]
Move line up / down
Shift + Enter
Start new line
Ctrl + Enter
Split line
Ctrl + Shift + J
Join lines

Code completion

Alt + Enter
Intent actions
Ctrl + Space
Basic completion
Ctrl + Shift + Space
Smart completion
Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Complete Statement

Refact­oring (small)

Ctrl + R
Replace in file
Ctrl + Shift + R
Replace in selected folder
Shift + F6
Ctrl + F6
Change Signature

Refact­oring (complex)

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T
Refactor this...
Ctrl + Alt + N
Ctrl + Alt + M
Extract method
Ctrl + Alt + V
Introduce variable
Ctrl + Alt + P
Introduce parameter
Ctrl + Alt + F
Introduce field
Ctrl + Alt + C
Introduce constant
Ctrl + Alt + L
Reformat code
Ctrl + Alt + O
Optimize imports

Navigate in current file

Alt + [↑/↓]
Previous / Next method
Ctrl + F12
Go to file member
Ctrl + F7
Find usages in file
Ctrl + Shift + F7
Highlight usages in file
Ctrl + G
Go to line / column
Expand / Collapse (all)
/ refers to Numpad keys.

Quick lookup

Ctrl + Shift + I
Definition popup
Ctrl + P
Parameter tooltip
Alt + Q
Context tooltip
Ctrl + Q
Docume­ntation tooltip
Shift + F11
Docume­ntation (external)

Run & Debug

Shift + Alt + E
Evaluate selection
Step over
(Shift) + F7
(Smart) Step into
Shift + F8
Step out
(Ctrl) + Alt + F9
(Force) Run to cursor
Resume program


Ctrl + Shift + U
Toggle case
Ctrl + Alt + T
Surround with...
Ctrl + F1
Show error descri­ption