Comprehensive Guide to Editing and Code Navigation
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Core Navigation
<C-f> |
Forward (Page down) |
<C-d> |
Move down (Half a page) |
<C-b> |
Backward (Page up) |
<C-u> |
Move up (Half a page) |
<C-o> |
Jump back |
<C-i> |
Jump forward |
gg |
Go to first line |
Shift-G |
Go to last line |
:10, 10gg |
Jump to line# 10 |
10j |
(Relative) Jump down 10 lines |
10k |
(Relative) Jump up 10 lines |
J |
Join lines |
<leader>uC |
Colorscheme with preview |
<leader>uD |
Enable code block dimming |
<leader>ul |
Toggle line number |
<leader>uL |
Toggle relative number |
<leader>uw |
Toggle word wrap |
<C-/> |
Toggle Terminal window |
:Neotree |
Neotree file picker |
Buffer Management
<leader>fb |
List open buffers |
<Shift>l/h |
Next/Prev buffer |
<leader>bd |
Close current buffer |
<C-w>v |
Split vertical |
<C-w>s |
Split horizontal |
<C-w>h/j/k/l |
Navigate splits |
Text Objects
viw |
Select inner word |
vi" |
Select inner quotes |
vi{ |
Select inner curly braces |
vip |
Select inner paragraph |
va[ |
Select around [] braces |
dap |
Delete around paragraph |
Code Folding
zR |
Open all folds |
zM |
Close all folds |
za |
Toggle fold |
zA |
Toggle all folds under cursor |
zc |
Close fold |
zo |
Open fold |
zO |
Open all folds under cursor |
Marks & Bookmarks
m[a-z] |
Set local mark |
'[a-z] |
Jump to mark |
:marks |
List all marks |
' ' |
Jump to last position |
`[a-z] |
Jump to exact position |
:delmarks a-z |
Del lowercase marks (a-z) |
:delmarks ax |
Del "a" and "x" marks |
:delmarks! |
Del marks (except A-Z,0-9) |
Functions & Symbols
<leader>cs |
Document symbols |
gr |
Find all references |
gd |
Go to definition |
gD |
Go to declaration |
K |
Show doscstring/type hints |
[[ or ]] |
Prev/Next object matches |
]d |
Next diagnostic |
[d |
Prev diagnostic |
<leader>sd |
Document diagnostics |
<leader>sD |
Workspace diagnostics |
Code Actions
<leader>cr |
Rename symbols |
<leader>cf |
Format code |
<leader>ca |
Code actions |
> |
Indent right |
< |
Indent left |
= |
Auto-indent as per language |
gg=G |
Auto-indent entire file |
=ip |
Current paragraph |
<leader>sr |
Search and Replace |
<leader>ff |
Search files (Project root) |
<leader>sg |
Search text (Project root) |
<leader>ss |
Symbol search |
<leader>sc |
Command history |
<leader>/ |
Grep (Root dir) |
<leader>sw |
Search word under cursor |
<leader>sk |
Search all keymaps |
<leader>st |
<leader>gc |
Commit log texts search |
<leader>gs |
Status (file search) |
<leader>ge |
Git explorer (Neotree) |
<leader>gf |
Current file history |
<leader>gg |
Open LazyGit window |
<C-r> |
Switch to recent repo |
<C-b> |
Filter files by status |
p |
Git pull |
P |
Git push |
<space> |
Stage |
a |
Stage all |
c |
Commit |
s |
Stash |
z |
Undo |
<C-z> |
Redo |
i |
Add to .gitignore |
q |
Quit |