Create and Import modules in Python
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Create a module
NA = 6.02e-23 # module-level constant
class Class_1():
#docstrings, output of help(module)
# id PEP257 chapitre 15
def __init__(self, function_1, function_2, data):
self.function_1 = function_1
self.function_2 = function_2 = xxx
def function_1(self):
return var
def function_2(self):
def updata(self, add_var):
#Modifying an Attribute’s Value Through a Method += add_var
class Class_2(Class_1): # inherit from Animal
comment for the class2
PI = 3.14 # constant with uppercase letters
# invariable during programm excutation)
def __init__(self, make, model, year):
super(class1, self).__init__(function1, function2, data)
# call the superclass constructor
def function_3(self,):
"""docstrings under method"""
def function_4(self):
The __init__() method takes in these parameters and stores them in the attributes that will be associated with instances made from this class.
import a module
import module as alias
# import a entier module and give it an allas
from module import class
# from a module import a class
# it should prepare at first a file at the directory
from module.class import method
# from a class of module import a method (function)
An file is a special file that is used to indicate that a directory contains a Python package. A Python package is a collection of modules that can be imported and used together. An file can also contain code that is executed when the package or a module in the package is imported. This can be useful for initializing package-level data or performing other tasks
Before Python 3.3, an file was required for every package directory. Otherwise, Python would not recognize the directory as a package and would not be able to import modules from it. This was done to prevent directories with common names, such as string, from unintentionally hiding valid modules that occur later on the module search path.
However, since Python 3.3, an file is no longer mandatory for defining a package. Python can also recognize namespace packages, which are packages that do not have an file and can span multiple directories. Namespace packages allow multiple portions of a package to be distributed and installed separately, and then merged together at runtime |
create an environment path
Linux & MacOS un file bash (~.bashrc)
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/chemin/vers/mon/super/module
source ~.bashrc
Windows in shell PowerShell
$env:PYTHONPATH += ";C:\chemin\vers\mon\super\module"
echo $env:PYTHONPATH