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Patho Quiz 2 :Vocabulary Cheat Sheet by

Patho Quiz 2: Vocabulary

Innate Immunity
Refers to non-sp­ecific defense mechanisms that come into play immedi­ately or within house of an antigen’s appearance in the body. It is ALREADY PRESENT in body. Composed of chemical and mechnical barriers , phagoc­ytes, and chemical mediators.
Does not include: specific B and T cells
Adaptive Immunity
Form of long-term acquired immunity. Created in response to exposure to a foreign substance. Usually specific and slow (1-2 weeks)
HIGH Potency and is not passed from parents to offspring. It develops during a person’s lifetime ,usually in lymph nodes, spleen, mucosal associated lymphoid tissue. {{nl}] Compsed of B and T cells
A peptide factor released by cells to influence the behavior of target cells. They have signaling inflam­matory, growth, and inhibitory fucntions
A compound found in cells; especially in mast cells
it is produced by the breakdown of histidine (an amino acid). It is released in allergic inflam­matory reaction. Dilates blood vessels. Part of body’s natural allergic response
Hormone like substance that effects smooth muscle , dilation and constr­iction of blood vessels, control of BP, modulation of inflam­mation, and platelet function.
Hormone like substance that effects smooth muscle , dilation and constr­iction of blood vessels, control of BP, modulation of inflam­mation, and platelet function.
Compound released in blood that causes smooth muscle contra­ction and dilation of blood vessels. Peptide comprised of 9-aa residues. Formed locally in injured tissue.
An inappr­opriate and excessive response of the immune system to self antigens causing disease. Disorders that result from an autoimmune response are called autoimmune diseases. Misdir­ected immune repsonse, immune system attacks the body itself.
Hypers­ens­itivity type 1
Anaphy­lactic !
Immediate or IgE-me­diated reaction.
15-30 mins
Hypers­ens­itivity type 2
Cytotoxic, Cytolytic: IgG/IgM mediated response and anti-body mediated cell stimul­ating. Surfacing Ag and Ab, leading to killer cell cytoxic action
15-30 min
ex: Graves’ disease
Hypers­ens­itivity type 3
Arthur’s Reaction !
IgG/IgM immune complex mediated response. Ag-Ab complex deposited in tissues.
6 hours or more. Caused by persistent infect­ion­—mi­crobe antigen.
Hypers­ens­itivity type 4
Delayed Hypers­ens­iti­vity.T cell mediated , with 4 major catego­ries. CD4*Th1 or Th2. CD8+. Recruits macrop­hages, eosino­phils, or neutro­phils, which release cytokines. Takes 24-48 hours or more.
Caused by in either intrad­ermal, epidermal, dermal antigens.
SJS, toxic epidermal necrolysis
Secondary Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Conditions that impair immune function as a result of other noimmune system disorders, such as poor nutrition, pregnancy, stress, or drugs, that second­arily suppress immune function.
Complete blood count. Blood test to evaluate overall health
White blood cell. A cell that mediates immune fucntion. These include granul­ocytes, monocytes, and lympho­cytes.
Compre­hensive Metabolic Panel. blood test that gives doctors inform­ation about the body's fluid balance, levels of electr­olytes like sodium and potassium, and how well the kidneys and liver are working.


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