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Java Exceptions (OCA) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

What's exception

Things going wrong?
java throwable object created and could be caught
Message, stack trace
java 7: catch >1 exception in one catch block

Three types of Exceptions

JVM: hi, something wrong, you should check or declare before I allow it compiled
JVM: never mind, I could handle it
JVM: don't try to handle it, something really really nasty happened, I will end it

Exception class inheri­tance

sub class of Object
sub class of Throwable
sub class of Exception
sub class of Throwable

Checked exceptions

must be handled or declared /throws by programmer
must in try ... catch block, or throws explicitly
Fileot­Fou­ndE­xce­ption, SQL, URI related exception
all java.l­ang.Ex­ception and its subclass are checked exception, exception java.l­ang.Ru­nti­meE­xce­ption and its subclass.

Unchecked exception

java.l­ang.Ru­nti­meE­xce­ption or its subclass
could handled or throws by progra­mmer, but not required.
Common unchecked /runtime exceptions
1 Arithm­ati­cEx­ception
divided by 0
2 ArrayI­nde­xOu­tOf­Bou­nds­Exc­eption
3 ClassC­ast­Exc­eption
parent­-child relation
4 Ilegal­Arg­ume­ntE­xce­pti­on(app)
Number­For­mat­Exc­ept­ion(app throw)
5 NullPo­int­Exc­eption
6 Illega­lSt­ate­Exc­eption
JVM env
7 Securi­tyE­xce­ption
Most exception are checked due to extends Exception, not Runtim­eEx­ception
Compile but throw exception at runtime

Java Error

Should not be handled by progra­mmer, java will terminate the program
Error in Static initia­liz­ation of class
memory stack space used
class file not found in classpath


try {}
{} required even only one statement
catch (){}
at lease one catch or finally block required
muliple catch(){}
ordered by sub -super, or else compiler shout: never run code block found
at most 1 catch blocks executed
finally {}
always executed, exception System.exit() called before it
return will not prevent finally block run

Throwing an exception

throws in declar­ation statement
throw new Except­ion­("Error Messag­e");
nested­/ch­ained excpetions
Catch and/or finally{} throws exceptions
exception mask
nested except­ions, the last throw win, prior throw masked
put try..catch in finall{} to avoid exception mask
calling method w/ throws
handled or throws again;­req­uired for checked exception, optional for unchecked
subclass exception
subclass of parent class exception throwed

Catch an exceptions

multiple catch block
at most one executed
order sub..s­uper, or else Never run block found error
the first matched block win
catch block may not exist

Print exception message

//print exception type and message
System.out.println( e);
//print message
System.out.println( e.getMessage());
//print stack trace

do not swallow exception, should always decide what to do next at exception