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Xcrawl Classics 2024 Rules Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

For the new DCC-based Xcrawl Classics

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Character Stats

For Melee attacks and Melee dmg. A successful Melee hit ALWAYS does at least 1 pt of dmg
Effects AC, ranged attacking, initia­tive, dual-w­iel­ding, and REFLEX saves
Effects HP and FORT saves. You always earn at least 1HP per level, no matter what your STA stat is. If STA 5 or less, you always take double dmg from poison and disease
A very important stat for PCs, as they are trying to be popular TV person­ali­ties. Not a dump stat!!! Messengers and Blaster use to cast spells, Jammers use to boost the crowd. If you're gonna Grands­tand, you'll need this
Percep­tion, discern info, etc. If INT is 7 or less, you can only speak one language, INT = or < 5 means you're utterly illiterate
Favor of the gods!
Applies to Birth Auger, and what you apply your Luck to
Your LUCK MOD never changes, even if you burn/lose some luck
Luck also effects rolls like crits, fumbles, etc.
You can perman­ently burn luck on a 1:1 basis to boost a die roll
You can roll vs Luck for certain special feats, Judge must agree to you using it that way
Luck can be regained over time, especially if you do stuff your deity likes
Saving Throws
- all level 0 PCs start with +0 to all saves but do get the STAT mod bonuses to the save
FORTITUDE - boosted by STAMINA, use vs physical threts
REFLEX - boosted by AGILITY, use for reacti­on-­based situations
WILLPOWER - boosted by PERSON­ALITY. Use vs mind-i­nfl­uencing threats
Everyone starts with English
For every point of INT mod, you get one more language as appror­priate
Roll 3D6 down the line for all of these. No wimping out!

Level 0 PCs

1d4 HP modded by STA
0 XP
1 random equipment package p.73
1 random occupation p.16
1 weapon and training for it (choose from club, dagger, sling, spear)
Some basic gear/e­qui­pment
+0 to all attacks and saves (modded by applicable stats)
1d4 crit die on Crit Table 1
Level 0's who start with a specific weapon also are proficient in that weapon
Ignore the -1d attack penalty for using weapons they are not familiar with, as they pretty much suck in general
Alignment - Law, Neutra­lity, Chaos

Misc. Starting PC Notes

Birth Augur
See page 15
Non Humans advance as follows
Dwarves advance as such. p 52 or specialist dwarf mechanics
Elves advance as specialist elf tricks­ters, p 46
Gnomes advance as gnomes p. 55
Half elves advance as half-elves p. 58
Half orcs advance as half-orcs p. 61 or specialist half orc slayers p 58
Halflings advance as specialist halfling rogues p.47

Skill Checks

Standard check
d20+ab­ility mod
DC ratings
easy 5, consid­erable 10, difficult 15, heroic 20
Each side rolls, highest wins
d20 +PERS + Character Level
Crowd DC is usually 14
Hometown crowd could be 10 for ex, visiting town could be 15
Once during combat you can grandstand as a free action.
Successful check gains +1 point of FAME
Once during the round after combat ends you can also try, success is 1 pt of FAME
The check should be combined with an action

Racial Attributes

60' infrav­ision, base speed 20'
Sensitive to iron, 60' infrav­ision, heightened senses
Base speed 25', draw aggro ability
Half Orc
30' infrav­ision, robust
30' infrav­ision, 20' movement rate
Half Elves
+1 on person­ali­ty-­based skill checks, +1d on saves vs magic sleep and magic paralysis


Athlete (Wrestler) p. 22
Blaster (Spell­caster) p. 25
Brawler (Melee Specia­list) p. 28
Jammer (Bard, cheerl­eader) p. 31
Messenger (Holy Champi­on/­Pal­adin) p 35
Specialist (Trapm­ast­er/­finder) p. 39
Acrobat (Gymnast) p 41
Commando (Surprise specia­list) p 43
Criminal (gangster) p 43
Scout (explorer) p 44
Crypt Raider (tomb raider) p 44
Dwarf Mechanic p 45
Elf Trickster (spell­caster) p 46
Half Or Slayer (assassin) p 47
Halfling Rogue p 47
Character tables - including action dice, crit die, attack bonus, Saves, etc start on page 48)

Races start on p 53