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Bash Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Bash things as I learn them ^ = Ctrl/Super % = Alt/Meta

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Moving Around the Command Line

Forward one word
Back one word
Beginning of line
End of line

Editing the Command Line

Delete to end of line
Delete from beginning of line to here
Delete one letter backwards until space
Swap this and prev letter
Swap this and prev word
Clear screen (Lower case L)

Misc Command Line

Run command "­cmd­" in the background
cmd &
Suspend the current process
├-Bring that process back
└-Continue that process but in the background
Search prev commands (type and it'll auto complete)
└-No, not this one, a different one
^r (again)

Directing input/­output

Direct input
Write all output to a file
ls -lah > filena­me.txt
Append output to a file
echo "­hel­lo" >> filena­me.txt
Redirect standard output to filename
ls -lah 1>f­ilename
Redirect and append standard outpput to filename
ls -lah 1>> filename
Redirect stderr to filename
ls -lah 2>f­ilename
Redirect and append stderr to filename
ls -lah 2>>­fil­ename
Redirect both stdout and stderr to filename
ls -lah &>­fil­ename
Redirect stderr to stdout
command 2>&1
Redirect stdout to stdout
command >&1
Redirect stdout to stderr
command >&2
Send output from one command to input of another
one command | another


Inject .env into your bash session
export $(cat .env | xargs)
Prompt the user
read -sp "­Pro­mpt­" varName
Read in command line options / parameters


a=("­one­" "­two­" "­thr­ee" "­fou­r" "­fiv­e" "­six­")
declare -a a
declare -a a=("­one­" "­two­" "­thr­ee")
a=( $(echo "­${s­pac­e_d­eli­m_s­tr}­") )
└-Assign command output to an array
files=( $(ls) )
Add multiple items
a+=("se­ven­" "­eig­ht" "­nin­e")
b=( "­${a­[@]­}" )
echo "­${a­[@]­}"
Length­/Number of elements
Get an element (Zero indexed)
Search (works with regex) and Replace
Search and Remove
Delete an element - leaves a hole
unset "­${a­[2]­}"
Delete an element - no hole
pos=3; a=("­${a­[@]­:0:­$po­s}" "­${a­[@]­:$(­($pos + 1))}")
Delete entire array
unset a
c=( "­${a­[@]­}" "­${b­[@]­}" )
Load file content into array
a=( `cat "­fil­ena­me.t­xt­" `)
Loop through array
for item in "­${a­[@]­}" ; do ... done
└-by index
for index in "­${!­a[@­]}" ; do ... done
└-use a range instead
for num in {8..45} ; do ... done
Always include the double quotes when dealing with arrays. If you don't, there's a good chance something will break unexpe­ctedly.

If you try to take a slice from indexes that don't exist in the array, you'll either get what is there, or nothing if you completely miss it. There will be no error.

Hashes / Associ­ative Arrays

declare -A a
declare -A a=(["ON­E"]=­"­one­" ["TW­O"]=­"­two­" ["TH­REE­"­]="t­hre­e")
Set a value
Print a value
echo a[key]
Requires Bash 4 or higher. Doesn't seem to work in OSX Catalina, even with the right version of Bash. An altern­ative that's less awful than the <4 bash way is to use two arrays with matching indexes.

if [ "­${B­ASH­_VE­RSI­NFO­:-0­}" -lt 4 ]; then ... fi

Aside from creation, they work just like regular arrays. When you use a key, it doesn't

Parameter Expansion

If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is substi­tuted. Otherwise, the value of parameter is substi­tuted.
If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is assigned to parameter. The value of parameter is then substi­tuted. Positional parameters and special parameters may not be assigned to in this way.
If parameter is null or unset, the expansion of word (or a message to that effect if word is not present) is written to the standard error and the shell, if it is not intera­ctive, exits. Otherwise, the value of parameter is substi­tuted.
If parameter is null or unset, nothing is substi­tuted, otherwise the expansion of word is substi­tuted.
Last char in string
Expands to the names of variables whose names begin with prefix, separated by the first character of the IFS special variable. When ‘@’ is used and the expansion appears within double quotes, each variable name expands to a separate word.
${!pre­fix*} or ${!pre­fix@}
If name is an array variable, expands to the list of array indices (keys) assigned in name. If name is not an array, expands to 0 if name is set and null otherwise. When ‘@’ is used and the expansion appears within double quotes, each key expands to a separate word.
${!nam­e[@]} or ${!nam­e[*]}


Run commands in a subshell
( ls -la )
Create an array
x=( "­a" "­b" "­c" )
Split string on character (space)
IFS=' ' names=­("mary joe bob")
Integer arithmetic (does not return result)
i=0; (( $i += 1 ))
Interger arethe­metic (returns result)
i=$(( 1 + 1))
Process substi­tution - pipe the stdout of multiple commands
comm <(ls -l) <(ls -al)
Turn subshell command result into string
echo "My name is $( whoami )"
Truthiness check (Use for the -z -x -n type checks)
[ -z $x ]
True/False testing
[[ $a ~= /s/ ]]
mkdir someth­ing­/{s­ibl­ing­1,s­ibl­ing­2,s­ibl­ing3}
{0..5} {0..8..2}
Command grouping
[[ $a ~= /s/ ]] && { echo "­hey­!"; echo "­new­lin­e" }
Variables in a string
"Some string ${vari­abl­e1:­default value}­"
String manipu­lation
├-Remove from the front, matching the pattern */, non-greedy # => /examp­le.c­om/wat
url=ht­tps­://­exa­mpl­e.c­om/wat ${url#*/}
├-Remove from the front, matching the pattern */, greedy # => /wat
url=ht­tps­://­exa­mpl­e.c­om/wat echo ${url##*/}
├-Remove from the back, matching the pattern /*, non-greedy # => https:­//e­xam­
url=ht­tps­://­exa­mpl­e.c­om/wat echo ${url%/*}
├-Remove from the back, matching the pattern /*, greedy # => https:­//e­xam­
url=ht­tps­://­exa­mpl­e.c­om/wat echo ${url%%/*}
├-Replace pattern => ftp://­exa­mpl­
url=ht­tps­://­exa­mpl­ echo ${url/­htt­ps/ftp}
└-Global replace pattern => https:­//X­xam­
url=ht­tps­://­exa­mpl­ echo ${url/­/[e]/X}
Multiline string­s/h­eredocs
x=<­<EOF ... many lines ... EOF

Truth checks

True if variable is set or empty (No error if not set)
[[ -z ${varN­ame+x} ]]
True if variable is NOT set
[[ -n $varName ]]
True if variable is set (Bash 4.5+)
[[ -v $varName ]]
True if file exists
[[ -f /file/path ]]
True if directory exists
[[ -d /direc­tor­y/path ]]
True if symbolic link exists
[[ -L /symbo­lic­/li­nk/path ]]
├- -e
├- -d
├- -f
Non-di­rectory file
├- -r
Readable file
├- -w
Writeable file
├- -x
Executable file
├- -L
Symbolic link
├- -S
└- -s
File exists and has nonzero size