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Diversity among plants Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

diversity among plants

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Origin of plants

• Plants were on in aquatic conditions
• Migration to land started nearly 400 million years ago

Plants and algae

Their similar qualities are:
• both are multic­ell­ular, eukary­otic, photos­ynt­hetic and autotrophs
• both have cellulose in their cell walls
• both have chloro­plasts with chloro­phyll a and b
• both contain high percentage of cellulose in cell walls
• both form phragm­oplast during cell division
• both perform phot respir­ation
• both have similar flagel­lated sperms
• some nuclear and chloro­plast genes also match
> Fresh water green algae (chara) is the closest relative of land plants

Features of all plants

• they are multic­ellular eukaryotes
• they have autotr­ophic nutrients
• they prevent from drying up using cuticle (made from waxy substance called cutin)
• its body consists of stem, leaf and roots
• have vascular tissue xylem, phloem and cell wall of cellulose
• they show altern­ation of generation