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Principle of Learning and Remembering Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Principle of Learning and Remembering focuses around the most effective that examined according to an interdisciplinary perspective in five segments such as memories' formation, organisation, consolidation, management, and adaptive specialisation.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Structure- Organised and clarify inform­ations
Effort- Engage with the material
Active learning- Use what you learn
Relevance- Have a good reason for learning


Select­ivity- Identi­fyand separa­tethe main ideas and important details from a large body of inform­ation
Associ­ation- Form visual or auditory cues to link together 2 or more items or chunks of inform­ation to process in memory
Visual­isa­tion- Make pictures or ‘movies’ in your mind
Elabor­ation- Think about, ponder or work with and encode inform­ation in new ways
Concen­tra­tion- Block out distra­ctions in order to stay focused on one specific item or task